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1998 Vol. 15, No. 1

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Nuclear Physics
Application of Interference to Study on Highly Excited Nuclei
JIN Gen-mig, HE Zhi-yong
1998, 15(1): 1-9. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.001
interference;particle correlation; hot nuclei ;emission time scale;intermediate mass fragment;
New Idea about Synthesis of New Heavy Neutronrich Nuclei
ZHAO Zhi-zheng
1998, 15(1): 10-14. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.010
The production, and process of separation and identification of new neutronrich nuclei with mass number A>170 were analyzed. The advantages of producing new isotopes in this mass region by lighter heavy particles on heavy targets were summarized. It is put forward an improvement method that a laser ion source and multilayer target combining with gas jet transport method can be used on online isotope separator.
Study on Proton Radioactivity
YANG Yong-feng
1998, 15(1): 15-20. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.015
Thermodynamic Models for Multiparticle Production in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
LIU Fu-hu
1998, 15(1): 21-25. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.021
The thermodynamic models for multiparticle production in high energy heavyion collisions are reviewed.According to the recent developments of the thermodynamic models,the pseudorapidity distributions of shower particles produced in high energy nucleusnucleus collions are investigated.
Triple Differential Cross Sections for Nearthreshold H+(e,2e) Reactions
JIA Xiang-fu, PAN Nian-dong, CHEN Chang-jin, Xu Ke-zun
1998, 15(1): 26-30. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.026
A corrrelated threebody continuum wavefunction proposed by Brauner et al has been recently modified further to allow for threebody effects by introducing Somerfeld parameters (Berakdar and Briggs). The triple differential cross sections for electron impact ionization of He+ in coplanar equalenergy sharing and fixedrelative angle geometry are calculated. The initial channel wavefunction involves a Coulomb wavefunction due to the long range Coulomb attraction between the incident...
Stability Requirement of Main Parameters at HIRFL
TANG Jing-yu
1998, 15(1): 31-34. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.031
The stability of the main parameters at HIRFL accelerator complex, which is important to get high extraction efficiency of the beams from cyclotrons has been studied. The RF amplitude stability and the stability of main magnetic field are the key parameters. The reasonable requirements for the parameters at HIRFL and the measures to reach them are proposed. 
Improvement of Model Sputter Negative Ionsource
WANG Xian-yi, LI Zheng-fang
1998, 15(1): 35-37. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.035
Since 1995, the sputter ion source has been tested on the 2 MV tandem accelerator in the Institute of Modern Physics. During the experiment some important improvememts on the source were performed. The running procedure has been progressively perfect. With this vaurce, the stable Li, C,O ion beams can be delivered by the accelerator for long period.
Cross Discipline
On Properties of Sodium Clusters
ZHANG Feng-shou, GE Ling-xiao
1998, 15(1): 38-42. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.038
Based on the tightbinding molecular dynamics, the structural, thermodynamical and collision properties are systematically studied for Nan. Present claculations are successful in reproducing some of the experimental data and in agreement very well with some other ab initio calculations. We also investigate the transition from solidlike phase to liquidlike phase with increasing temperature for this finite system and the stability of dimer (Nan)2 formed in cluster collisions.
Isotope Puzzle in Sputtering
ZHENG Li-ping
1998, 15(1): 43-49. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.043
Mechanisms affecting multicomponent material sputtering are complex. Isotope sputtering is the simplest in the multicomponent materials sputtering. Although only mass effect plays a dominant role in the isotope sputtering, there is still an isotope puzzle in suputtering by ion bombardment. The major arguments are as follows:(1) At the zero fluence, is the isotope enrichment ejectionangleindependent or ejectionangledependent? (2)Is the isotope angular effect the primary or the ...
New Applications of γ ray Survey
QIU Yuan-de, DING Yi-ming, LI Xiao
1998, 15(1): 50-52. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.050
Abstract(1588) PDF (977KB)(432)
The new applications of γ survey are described in the fields of indicating underground advance, seeking out lossed ore deposit, discovering neotype deposit for detecting the gold deposit; determining productive aquifer for looking for groundwater; discovering fracturation zone controlling crop out of hot spring for developing the hot spring, and locating the position of ancient rock slide for prospecting the earth slide.
Status of Study on Neutron Remmeter Energy Response
LI Gui-sheng
1998, 15(1): 53-56. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.053
The latest study on the neutron remmeter energy response is summarized. 
Study of Reinforced Heat shrund Products of Cross linking PE by Positron Annihilation Technology
TANG Chang-huan, YAN Mei-qiong, ZHANG Yi-yun, CHEN Shi-guo
1998, 15(1): 57-60. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.057
The positron lifetime technique has been used to study heatshrunk products of crosslinking PE which came from different factories. Same valuabled results are obtained.
CT Technique Applied to Laserplasma Experiments
JIANG Shao-en, LIU Zhong-li, LI Nan, ZHENG Zhi-jian, TANG Dang-yuan, DING Yong-kun, HU Xin
1998, 15(1): 61-64. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.15.01.061
A CT technique applied to ICF experiments has been studied and it has been used to analize the measured Xray in laserplasma experiments at “XingguangⅡ” device. The threedimensional distribution of the Xrays in targets is reconstructed and useful results are obtained. This shows that the CT technique can be applied to ICF experiments.