Possible Properties on Nuclear Shape and Stiffness Evolution:A Systematic Analysis Based on Nuclear-Energy-Surface Calculations
Nuclear shape and stiffness evolutions in even-even nuclei with 50 < Z < 82 are systematically analyzed in terms of the pairing-deformation self-consistent nuclear-energy-surface calculation in (β2,γ,β4) deformation space. Calculated equilibrium deformations are presented and compared with other theoretical predictions and available experimental data. The stiffness parameters Cβ and Cγ respectively related to quadrupole deformations β2 and γ are determined from the deformation energy curves, which are consistent with the observed low-lying β and/or γ bands. The stiffness evolution under rotation along the yrast line is briefly discussed, e.g., on the basis of the centipidelike E-GOS curves, showing an unnegligible vibration effect.