Low-spin States of 70Ge Excited in the 70As(β++EC)70Ge Decay
Graphical Abstract
The excited states of the 70Ge nucleus are investigated in radioactive decay of the 70As. Four new transitions with 1 036.99, 1 196.66, 1 539.29 and 2 531.7 keV are found for the first time. The position of 2 219.34 keV transition are reassigned, the transition positions of 496.74, 1 295.24 and 1 417.24 keV γ-rays are assigned for the first time, and the placements of 1 881.67, 2 325.42 and 2 424.41 keV γ-rays are confirmed in the present work. Two new levels, at 4 243.10 and 5 265.81 keV excitation energy, respectively, are proposed. The decay scheme is established and for a number of levels spin-parity assignments are suggested on the basis of logft values and γ-branching ratios.