Correlations of the SO(8) Pairing and SU(3) Quadrupole Bases in the Algebraic Shell Model
We establish a correspondence between the SO(8) isoscalar, isovector and total pairing bases and the Elliott's SU(3) basis in the algebraic structure of the spatial part of the microscopic shell model. It is derived from the complementarity of these algebras to the same T, S, (S,T) irreducible representations (irreps) of the Wigners supermultiplets, contained in the shell-model number-conserving algebra U(4Ω). This important result allows for the evaluation of the content of SU(3) irreps into the different types of pairing bases which leads to an investigation of the complementarity and competitive effects of pairing and the quadrupole-quadrupole interactions on the energy spectra of the nuclear systems. The theory is valid for any shell and for a number of shells as well, but we illustrate it with the results for a single ds-shell.