Design and Implementation of Simplified Readout Circuits for Multi anode Position sensitive Photomultiplier Tubes
Graphical Abstract
The multianode position sensitive photomultiplier tube(PSPMT) has been used for the development of highresolution γ camera module. This study is aimed to investigate the simplified readout design for the multianode flat panel PSPMT. Based on the Hamamatsu H8500 PSPMT with 64 multianodes, we designed and developed two simplified readout circuits, discretized positioning circuit(DPC) and symmetric charge division circuit(SCDC). The truncated centerofgravity(TCOG) positioning method was used to optimize the readout signal processing and then further reduce the readout channels by a resistor chain. The preliminary results show that the SCDC readout with the TCOG could significantly reduce the nonlinearity of positioning and improve the effective fieldofview of the detector by about 20% as compared to the DPC readout.