Half lives of Superheavy Nuclei in 294118 and 291116 α decay Chain within Generalized Liquid Drop Model
Graphical Abstract
The αdecay potential barrier of the newly synthesized superheavy nuclei starting from 294118 and 291116 have been determined and their halflives have been studied with the Generalized Liquid Drop Model(GLDM) connected with WKB approximation and Royer’s formulae.The αdecay halflives of the nuclei belonging to the superheavy nuclei starting from 294118 and 291116 have been calculated.The calculated results are in agreement with the experimental data, which show that the α decay halflives of superheavy nuclei with the GLDM and Royer’s formulae can be applied in the studying on superheavy nuclei successfully.Finally, the halflives of Z=118 and 116 isotopes have been predicted, and the results suggest there may be some longlived superheavy nuclei for αdecay in those isotopes.