Influence of Heavy Ion Irradiation on Proteome Profile of Human Hepatoma HepG2 Cells
Graphical Abstract
To gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of the biological effects induced by heavy ion irradiation, total proteins extracted from human hepatoma HepG2 cells that unirradiated and irradiated with an intermediateenergy carbon ion beam at 1 Gy were separated by twodimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) with immobilized pH gradients (IPGs). The 2DE profiles were analyzed with the ImageMaster 2D software. More than 500 proteins spots were reproducibly detected on each gel and 17 were differentially expressed for the unirradiated and irradiated cells. 1 protein was expressed only in the unirradiated cells. 8 proteins were downregulated and 8 proteins were upregulated after the carbon ion irradiation. In this study, reproducible 2DE profiles were established and some differential expressed proteins were detected. These basic data are very useful for the further study of heavyion biological effect.