Advanced Search

2004 Vol. 21, No. 2

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Progress of Scientific Researches and Project of CSR in IMP
JIN Gen-ming
2004, 21(2): 73-76. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.073
Abstract(2224) PDF (213KB)(685)
The article reviews the recent progress of the scientific researches including synthesis of new nuclides, investigations of the isospin effects in heavy ion collisions, studies of the nuclear structure in high spin states and the applications of heavy ion beams to other scientific researches, such as biology and material science. It also gives a brief introduction of the development of the design and progress of the new project of heavy ion cooling storage ring (CSR) of Lanzhou.
A Study of Pentaquark Θ State in Chiral Quark Model
ZHANG Zong-ye, HUANG Fei, YU You-wen, ZOU Bing-song
2004, 21(2): 77-80. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.077
Abstract(2043) PDF (99KB)(468)
The structure of the pentaquark state uudd is studied in the chiral quark model. Four configurations of Jπ=(1/2)- and four of Jπ=(1/2)+ are considered. The results show that the isospin T=0 state is always the lowest one for both Jπ=(1/2)- and Jπ=(1/2)+ cases in various models. But the theoretical
value of the lowest one is still about 250 - 300 MeV higher than the experimental mass of Θ.
A Try to Investigate Color Confinment Directly from QCD Lagrangian
ZHU Zhong-yuan
2004, 21(2): 81-82. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.081
Abstract(2113) PDF (82KB)(562)
In the SU(N) case we use the FadeevNiemi topological decomposition of nonabelian gauge potentials to derive the low energy effective Lagrangian under one loop approximation by integrating all degrees of freedom except the topological ones in its path integral. The result supports a mechanism on color confinment which comes from the dual Misner Effect. The effect from fermion fields is also discussed.
Transport Theory for Many body System——Anomalous Diffusion
ZHUO Yi-zhong
2004, 21(2): 83-85. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.083
Abstract(1819) PDF (112KB)(724)
In this paper,we introduce some of our recent works on the models and dynamics of transport theory for manybody system, which show the characteristic features of anomalous diffusion.
Properties and Mechanism of Isospin Fractionation in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
LIU Jian-ye, XING Yong-zhong, GUO Wen-jun
2004, 21(2): 86-89. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.086
Abstract(2027) PDF (144KB)(610)
The degree of isospin fractionation is measured by (N/Z)gas / (N/Z)liq,where (N/Z)gas and (N/Z)liq are the saturated neutronproton ratio of nucleon emissions ( gas phase) and that of fragment emitted (liquid phase) in heavy ion collision at intermediate energy. The calculated results by using the isospindependent quantum molecular dynamics model show that the degree of isospin fractionation is sensitive to the neutronproton ratio of colliding system. In particular, the degree of isospin fractionation sensitively depends on the symmetry potential and weakly on the inmedium nucleonnucleon cross section for the neutronrich system. In this case, we propose that the degree of isospin fractionation can be directly compared with the experimental data so that the information about symmetry potential can be obtained.
Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
MA Zhong-yu
2004, 21(2): 90-92. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.090
Abstract(2032) PDF (118KB)(588)
The fully consistent relativistic random phase approximation (RRPA) built on the relativist mean field (RMF) ground state is presented. The fully consistent RRPA requires that the nuclear RMF wave function and the RRPA renormalization are calculated in a same effective Lagrangian. A theoretically complete treatment of the RRPA at the mean field level with no sea approximation must include not only the usual particlehole states, but also the pairs formed from the occupied Fermi states and Dirac states. Effects of inclusion of Dirac sea states in various multipole excitations are investigated. Considerable effects on the isoscalar giant multipole resonances are observed.
Quark Transversity Distribution and Nucleon’s Tensor Charge
HE Han-xin
2004, 21(2): 93-95. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.093
Abstract(2575) PDF (115KB)(632)
The first moment of quark transversity distribution defines the tensor charge of nucleon. The tensor charge of nucleon can also be defined as the forward matrix element of the tensor current in the nucleon state,which is used to study the nucleon’s tensor charge in terms of quantum color dynamics(QCD) sum rule approach, the effective theory and model. A consistent nonperturbative approach to study nucleon property and hadronic physics is also discussed.
N-pole Effect in Studying N* via J/Ψ→NM Decays
SHEN Peng-nian, LIANG Wei-hong, ZOU Bing-song
2004, 21(2): 96-98. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.096
Abstract(2120) PDF (101KB)(521)
N-pole contributions, especially due to off shell effect, in J/Ψ→ NM decays are
carefully studied. It is found that the decay width is sensitive to the form factor. The Npole contribution as a background is important in the J/Ψ→Nπ decay, ignorable in the J/Ψ→Nη and Nη' decays, and sizable in the J/Ψ→Nω decay.
Mean Field Theory for Boson Systems:Sympathetic Cooling and Soliton Excitations of Bose Einstein Condensate
WANG Shun-jin
2004, 21(2): 99-103. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.099
Abstract(2676) PDF (163KB)(603)
The sympathetic cooling of BoseEinstein Condensate has been studied by virtue of quantum master equation and algebraic dynamics under mean field approximation. Soliton Excitations of BoseEinstein Condensate have been investigated by nonlinear Schrdinger equation for the wave function of the condensate.
Statistical Separability and the Impossibility of the Superluminal Quantum Communication
Zhang Qi-ren
2004, 21(2): 104-106. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.104
Abstract(1940) PDF (101KB)(572)
We analyse the relation and the difference between the quantum correlation of two points in space and the communication between them. The statistical separability of two points in the space is defined and proven. From this statistical separability, we prove that the superluminal quantum communication betwcen different points is impossible. To emphasis the compatibility between the quantum theory and the relativity, we write the von Neumann equation of density operator evolution in the multitime form.
A Study of N Bound State
YU You-wen, ZHANG Zong-ye
2004, 21(2): 107-108. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.107
Abstract(2104) PDF (68KB)(578)
The structures of (N)LST systems are studied in the SU(3)quark model, in which the coupling between quarkantiquark and the meson fields are included. A resonating group method (RGM) calculation shows that (N)0212could be a bound state with considerably large binding energy, when the mechanism of u(d) annihilation to K* is considered.
Reexamination about Constituent Quark Model
2004, 21(2): 109-113. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.109
Abstract(2414) PDF (344KB)(516)
The problems related to the modelling of quark confinement and Goldstone boson quark coupling in the prevailing constituent quark models are discussed
based on the lattice QCD result and the chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking
Phase Matching in Quantum Searching and the Improved Grover Algorithm
LONG Gui-lu, LI Yan-song, XIAO Li, TU Chang-cun, SUN Yang
2004, 21(2): 114-116. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.114
Abstract(3003) PDF (83KB)(836)
We briefly introduced some of our recent work related to the phase matching condition in quantum searching algorithms and the improved Grover algorithm. When one replaces the two phase inversions in the Grover algorithm with arbitrary phase rotations, the modified algorithm usually fails in searching the marked state unless a phase matching condition is satisfied between the two phases. The Grover algorithm is not 100% in success rate, an improved Grover algorithm with zerofailure rate is given by replacing the phase inversions with angles that depends on the size of the database. Other aspects of the Grover algorithm such as the SO(3) picture of quantum searching, the dominant gate imperfections in the Grover algorithm are also mentioned.
Density Dependence of Mass and Radius of a Nucleon and Quark Condensate in Nuclear Matter
LIU Yu-xin
2004, 21(2): 117-120. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.117
Abstract(2453) PDF (151KB)(577)
The status of the investigations on the nucleon mass, nucleon radius and quark condensate in the framework of QCDinspired models and QCD effective field theories is briefly reviewed. The results in the global color symmetry model (GCM) are described a little detailedly. The calculated results indicate that, before the maximal density is reached, the mass of a nucleon in nuclear
matter decreases, the radius of a nucleon and the quark condensate increase very slowly, with the increase of the nuclear matter density. As the maximal nuclear matter density is reached, the mass of the nucleon vanishes gradually. The radius becomes infinite and the quark condensate vanishes suddenly. A new mechanism for the chiral symmetry restoration in nuclear matter is proposed.
Color Superconductivity for High Density Nuclear Matter
WANG Ling-feng, Lü Xiao-fu
2004, 21(2): 121-126. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.121
Abstract(2193) PDF (141KB)(463)
In this paper we built a relation between the thermodynamical theory of the phase transition and field theory. We emphasized that in the quantum field theory we have to introduce the order parameter fields. Then the discussion of the phase transition is closed to the creation of the Goldstone bosons. If we only discuss the first order transition, the Goldstone bosons fields are sufficient. If we want to discuss the second order transition, we have to discuss a set of fields that constructs a representation of a symmetry group. We also apply this concept to color superconductivity.
Tensor Polarization t20 of Deuteron and ρπγ Process
CHENG Tan-sheng
2004, 21(2): 127-129. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.127
Abstract(2177) PDF (84KB)(533)
Tensor polarization t20 of the deuteron is calculated on the basis of a hybrid quarkhadron model. A relativistic wave function of the deuteron is used to calculate the relativistic impulse approximation and the contribution of the ρπγ meson exchange process. Good agreement with experimental data is achieved when and only when the ρπγ coupling constant is taken as positive.
Reflection Asymmetric Shell Model for Octupole Nuclei
CHEN Yong-shou
2004, 21(2): 130-136. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.130
Abstract(2061) PDF (465KB)(596)
The reflection asymmetric shell model approach has been developed for the description of octupole deformed nuclei. The Q· Q forces of quadrupole, octupole and hexadecapole as well as the monopole and quadrupole pairings are included in the Hamiltonian. The shell model space is spanned by a
selected set of the projected axial and octupole Nilsson + BSC basis. The general features of experimental octupole rotational bands can be reproduced and interpreted by the present model. The experimental superdeformed band states in 190, 194Hg are well reproduced by the present calculations, which provide theoretical support to the possible experimental evidence for the discovery of the octupole superdeformed rotational bands.
Strange Hadronic Matter with Strong and Weak YY Interactions
SONG Hong-qiu, SU Ru-keng, LU Ding-hui, QIAN Wei-liang
2004, 21(2): 137-141. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.137
Abstract(2100) PDF (183KB)(585)
A modified quark meson coupling (MQMC) model is extended to include Λhyperons and Ξhyperons. The extended model is then used to study the equation of state (EOS) for strange hadronic matter. A weak ΛΛ interaction deduced from recent observation of 6ΛΛHe double hypernucleus is adopted in the calculation. The resultant EOS is compared with that deduced from a strong ΛΛ interaction. It is found that while the system with the strong ΛΛ interaction is more deeply bound than ordinary nuclear matter due to the opening of new degrees of freedom, the system with the weak ΛΛ interaction is rather loosely bound compared to the later. It is necessary to introduce the strange mesons σ*and in the MQMC model to describe properly the interaction between the hyperons in either strong or weak ΛΛ interaction case.
Limiting Fragmentation and ø Meson Production at RHIC
SA Ben-hao, SU Zong-di, TAI An, ZHOU Dai-mei
2004, 21(2): 142-147. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.142
Abstract(2136) PDF (166KB)(561)
The PHOBOS’s limiting fragmentation etc. three empirical scaling rules for
charged multiplicity in Au+Au collisions at RHIC are investigated by a
hadron and string cascade model LUCIAE. Similar studies are performed for the meson exploring its production mechanism via comparing with the charged
multiplicity. The LUCIAE results for charged multiplicity are compatible with
PHOBOS observations. However, for the  meson the three empirical scaling
rules are either kept only or kept better in the LUCIAE calculations without
reduction mechanism of the s quark suppression extra introduced for the
strangeness in LUCIAE model. These results seem indicating a universal
production mechanism for charged particle and  meson in string
fragmentation regime. It is discussed that the PHOBOS’s empirical scaling
rules are model dependent indeed.
Study of Dynamical Mass of Quarks—From Current Quark to Constituent Quark
ZHU Ji-zhen, LU Juan, ZHOU Li-juan, Ma Wei-xing
2004, 21(2): 148-151. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.148
Abstract(2614) PDF (116KB)(655)
The quark propagators are studied using the Dyson Schwinger equations in “rainbow” approximation in this article. Quark dynamical masses are obtained, and the mass of constituent quarks used commonly in literature is explained, i.e. the transition from current quark to constituent quark is dynamically given out.
Quantum Storage Based on Collective Excitations in Atomic Ensemble
SUN Chang-pu, LI Yong, LIU Xu-feng
2004, 21(2): 152-156. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.152
Abstract(2095) PDF (195KB)(598)
In this article we reviews a new protocol of quantum memory based on the quasipin wave excitation of the Λ systems fixed the sites of lattice. This protocol tries to avoid the disadvantage of the quantum memory scheme based on free atom ensemble, the quantum decoherence induced by the quantum leakage of collective state. Especially,we discover a universal dynamic symmetry hidden in various ensemble based quantum storage scheme. To understand the significance of this work exactly, we also give a brief introduction to our systematical studies on collective symmetric excitons in quantum ensemble,which is the necessary to propose the present scheme for quantum memory.
Electromagnetic Transition Amplitudes of Nucleon Negative parity Resonance by OPE and OGE Quark Models
DONG Yu-bing, HE Jun
2004, 21(2): 157-158. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.157
Abstract(2386) PDF (58KB)(491)
Electromagnetic transition amplitudes of negative parity resonances are calculated based on onepion exchange (OPE) model and one gluon exchange (OGE) model, respectively. The configuration mixing caused by the hyperfine interactions of the two models is discussed. Calculated results for the
amplitudes indicate that baryon wave functions of OGE are more reasonable
than those of OPE.
Influence of Triaxial Deformation on Signature Inversion in Odd-odd Nucleus 102Rh
ZHENG Ren-rong, YANG Yin-chun, LU Qi, ZHU Shun-quan
2004, 21(2): 159-161. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.159
Abstract(1896) PDF (95KB)(515)
The model of an axially symmetric rotor plus two quasiparticles for the Signature Inversion (SI) in oddodd nuclei is generalized to the triaxial deformation. The calculation of the odd  odd nucleus 102Rh shows that the possible SI mechanism (i. e., the competition between the np interaction and the coriolis force in low K space) is also appropriate for oddodd nuclei in the A=100 region. A triaxial shape can improve the vibration property of the rotational spectra remarkably.
Isolated Pure Photon System and Background Radiation
ZHANG bang-gu
2004, 21(2): 162-164. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.162
Abstract(2155) PDF (89KB)(508)
The unstability of any isolated pure photon system is indicated from the angle of energy. The nature of this system is completely different from the one of an equilibrium state of photons, which is just the cosmic microwave background radiation observed. Therefore, our expanding universe can not come from a group of pure energy.
Study on Roper Structure as Hybrid from J/Ψ Decays
PING Rong-gang
2004, 21(2): 165-169. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.165
Abstract(2269) PDF (169KB)(503)
The structure of Roper resonance is studied as hybrid states through decays J/Ψ→p*, N** by calculating the angular distributions and decay widths. The results show that the angular distribution parameters for decays J/Ψ→p*, N** are almost equal if the Roper is identified as a pure hybrid state, while their decay width are less the 1% of that for the decay J/Ψ→p, and the variance of the ratio Γ(J/Ψ→N*p)/Γ(J/Ψ→p) and Γ(J/Ψ→N**)/ Γ(J/Ψ→p) with the mixing parameter are presented,and also the scheme to identify the Roper structure in J/Ψ decays is discussed.
Halos in Exotic Nuclei and Hypernuclei
MENG Jie, Lü Hong-fong, ZHANG Shuang-quan, ZHOU Shan-gui
2004, 21(2): 170-173. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.170
Abstract(2621) PDF (155KB)(607)
Halos in the relativistic continuum Hartree Bogoliubov (RCHB) theory are investigated,including giant halo in the evenN Ca isotope near neutron drip line,halos in hypernuclei and the hyperon halos in 153ΛC.
Renormalization Group and Critical Phenomena
JI Qing
2004, 21(2): 174-176. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.174
Abstract(2745) PDF (129KB)(1473)
The basic clue and the main steps of renormalization group method used for the description of critical phenomena is introduced. It is pointed out that this method really reflects the most important physical features of critical phenomena, i.e. self similarity,and set up a practical solving method from it. This way of setting up a theory according to the features of the physical system is really a good lesson for today’s physicists.
The Dynamics of Molecular Motor
ZHAO Tong-jun, LI Wei, HAN Ying-rong, ZHUO Yi-zhong
2004, 21(2): 177-179. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.177
Abstract(2340) PDF (124KB)(591)
Motor protein is a kind of small machines that convert chemical energy to mechanical works. It is revealed from the study of the twodimensional model that the non conservative impulsive force plays a significant role in the exchanging process of energy. A four state model characterizing the coupling of mechanical and chemical processes of molecular motor is also discussed.
Nuclear Fusion Induced by Dual Explosion of Deuterium Cluster in Strong Laser Field
AN Wei-ke, QIU Xi-jun, JIANG Yi, ZHU Zhi-yuan
2004, 21(2): 180-182. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.21.02.180
Abstract(2020) PDF (105KB)(660)
Considering the Coulomb explosion induced by the interaction of a deuterium cluster target with ultra intensity femtosecond laser,the causation which generate energetic deuterium nuclei for the fusion has been analyzed. The mechanism for the dual explosion of deuterium cluster is proposed, and hence the velocity of deuterium nuclei and the expansion time of deuterium ion clusters have been estimated.