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1999 Vol. 16, No. 1

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Investigation of Superdeformed Nuclear States in Interacting Boson Model
Sun Hong-zhou, Liu Yu-xin
1999, 16(1): 1-5. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.001
Abstract(1612) PDF (230KB)(519)
The present status, the framework and some applications of the investigation on the superdeformed nuclear states in the scheme of the interacting boson model are described.
Studies of F spin Mixed Symmetry States, Collective Backbending and Electromagnetic Transitions in Nuclear Algebraic Models
Long Gui-lu, Zhang Wei-lin, Ji Hua-ying, Li Yan-song, Tu Chang-cun, Niu Li, Zhao En-guang, Zhu Sheng-jiang
1999, 16(1): 6-10. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.006
Abstract(1991) PDF (201KB)(559)
The collective backbending effect, F spin mixed symmetry states have been studied for the nuclei with moderate high spins. It is found that there is an additional L(L+3) proportional term in the E2 transition rates in the sdg interacting boson model and solved the long standing problem of reduction of collectivity in the wave function of boson models. The electromagnetic transitions in the spdf interacting boson model have been calculated and compared with existing experimental...
O(N))>O(N-1) Reduction Factors
Ruan Dong, Sun Hong-zhou
1999, 16(1): 11-15. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.011
Abstract(1838) PDF (160KB)(535)
The algebraic expressions for all O(N)  O(N-1) reduction factors for (m 1N m 2N … m N )  (1 0 … 0) are given by using the concept of irreducible tensor basis and the properties of irreducible tensor operator.
Overview of Experimental Research on Nuclear Structure in Department of Modern Applied Physics
Zhu Sheng-jiang
1999, 16(1): 16-22. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.016
Abstract(2491) PDF (231KB)(608)
The experimental research on nuclear structure in Department of Modern Applied Physics, Tsinghua University has been summarized. The main research results in high spin states of nuclear structure, as well as some low spin states, have been reported.
Research on Octupole Deformation in Neutron rich Nuclei around Z =56, N =88 Region
Zhu Sheng-jiang
1999, 16(1): 23-30. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.023
Abstract(2200) PDF (275KB)(579)
Through study of the prompt γ rays in spontaneous fission, the octupole deformation in neutron rich Xe, Ba, Ce and La isotopes around Z =56, N =88 region was assigned. The properties of the octupole deformation in these nuclei were also discussed.
Study of Fast Neutron Induced (n,α) and (n,p) Reactions
Chen Ze-min, Zhang Xue-mei, Chen Ying-tang, Tang Guo-you, Zhang Guo-hui, Yd Gledenov, G Khuukhenkhuu, M V Sedysheva
1999, 16(1): 31-36. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.031
Abstract(3871) PDF (346KB)(628)
The study of the charged particle emission reactions induced by 3~7 MeV fast neutrons is of considerable interest for both nuclear applications and the understanding of basic nuclear problems. For its many merits, twin gridded ionization chamber is used in the studies of (n,α) and (n,p) reactions. As a part of systematic investigation, the (n,α) reactions for some nuclei, such as 40 Ca, 64 Zn, 58 Ni, 54 Fe, 39 K have been studied. Cross sections...
Evaluation and Application for Parameters of DOMA
Chen Zhen-peng, Peng Qain-zeng, Sun Ye-ying
1999, 16(1): 37-39. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.037
Abstract(1956) PDF (124KB)(555)
By careful analysis, the parameters of DOMA (Disperse Optical Model Analysis) for some medium and heavy nucleus are determined. These parameters are useful for the evaluation of nuclear data.
Research and Application of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Theories
Chen Zhen-peng
1999, 16(1): 40-41. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.040
Abstract(1930) PDF (140KB)(675)
The work for research and application of low energy nuclear reaction theories is introduced.
Systematic Research on Amplitudes or Form Factors and Calculations of Neutron Direct Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections for 208Pb
Chen Zhen-peng, Zhu Qing-yuan, Sun Yeying
1999, 16(1): 42-43. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.042
Abstract(2070) PDF (111KB)(532)
The amplitudes or form factors of the low discrete levels of 208 Pb are investigated systematically, the neutron direct inelastic scattering cross sections from 12 levels on 208 Pb are calculated.
Equal time Quantum Transport Theory
Zhuang Peng-fei
1999, 16(1): 44-46. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.044
Abstract(1849) PDF (147KB)(625)
In general quantum case the equal time kinetic hierarchies for the energy moments of the covariant Wigner function were established. The transport and constraint equations for the physical densities which are related to the lower order moments were extracted from the hierarchies, and it is also proved that the higher order moments can be expressed in terms of these lower order moments.
Principal and Experimental Study of Source of Polarized Electrons
Shang Ren-cheng, Gao Jun-fang, Xiao Yuan, Pang Wen-ning, Deng Jing-kang
1999, 16(1): 47-53. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.047
Abstract(2222) PDF (249KB)(664)
The getting of polarized electrons was briefly introduced, that is the source of polarized electrons. The measurement of polarization in future, the application of polarized electrons in atomic and molecular physics, condensed physics, biological physics, nuclear and particle physics were discussed.
Application of Polarized Electrons in (e, 2e) Scattering
Xiao Yuan, Pang, Wen-ning, Shang Ren-cheng, Ruan Cun-jun, Gao Jun-fang, Zhang Wen-xin
1999, 16(1): 54-57. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.054
Abstract(2321) PDF (178KB)(534)
The significance and development of (e, 2e) scattering by using polarized electrons are shown first, then a polarized (e, 2e) spectrometer under developing is introduced, including its main structure and key characters. An optical electron polarimeter is also proposed.
Theoretical Studies on BEPC Compton Polarimeter
Ning Chuan-gang, Deng Jing-kang, Shang Ren-cheng, Lu Jie
1999, 16(1): 58-60. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.058
Abstract(2096) PDF (147KB)(545)
The theory of Compton scattering of polarized photons on polarized electrons, and the principle of Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) Compton polarimeter are shortly discussed. The energy spectrum, vertical distributions and the intensity of Compton scattering under particular conditions are also calculated.
Study on New Scintillator Properties and Their Applications
Deng Jing-kang, Xu Si-da, Ning Chuan-gang, Shang Ren-cheng, Qi Hui-quan, Chen Yin-tang, Chen Ze-min, Pi Hai-feng
1999, 16(1): 61-65. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.061
Abstract(2093) PDF (209KB)(670)
The status of the study on some new scintillators is summarized, and the results of our researches on the properties and applications of BaF 2 and PbWO 4 crystals are discribed.
Associated Particle Imaging and Its Progress
Xu Si-da, Zhu Wei-bin
1999, 16(1): 66-68. doi: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.16.01.066
Abstract(1892) PDF (167KB)(572)
The basic principles, important characteristics and recent progress of associated particle imaging were reviewed. Associated particle imaging is position sensitive. It can be used in position sensitive examinations, for instance, hidden explosive inspection in airfield custom examination, drug examination. It has an important perspective in application.