Heavy quarks (charm and beauty), especially beauty, with expectedly different properties from light quarks are considered as ideal probes for the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). However, there are few measurements on beauty hadrons or on their decay leptons. With the most recent measurements on charmed hadrons and heavy flavor decay electrons (HFE) at mid-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at
\sqrts_\rm NN=200\;\rmGeV
at RHIC, a data-driven method is developed to separate charm and beauty components from the HFE measurements. From charmed hadron measurements, electrons from charm decays via semileptonic decay simulations are obtained, with which the beauty component can be extracted from the HFE spectrum. As preliminary results, the
p^_\rm T
R_\rm AA
distributions of electrons from charm and from beauty decays (
R_\rm AA^\rm c\rightarrow e
v_2^\rm c\rightarrow e
R_\rm AA^\rm b\rightarrow e
v_2^\rm b\rightarrow e
) in minimum bias Au+Au collisions are presented, respectively. Less suppression of
R_\rm AA^\rm b\rightarrow e
is observed compared with that of
R_\rm AA^\rm c\rightarrow e
at moderate-to-high
p_\rm T
, and
v_2^\rm b\rightarrow e
shows smaller than
v_2^\rm c\rightarrow e
at low-to-moderate
p_\rm T