

Study on Low-cadmium Rice Mutants Induced by 12C6+ Ion Beam

  • 摘要: 筛选低Cd积累水稻品种是控制稻米Cd含量的最直接有效的办法之一。本研究对重离子辐照的中籼9311(Oryza sativa L)后代,利用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法检测,对曝露在不同Cd含量(含Cd量为19.8 mg·kg-1镉池和含Cd量为2.721 mg·kg-1的污染农田)中进行M2代Cd低吸收突变单株筛选,研究重离子辐照水稻籽粒Cd吸收的突变率以及比较不同Cd含量曝露下的筛选效率。结果显示:重离子辐照可以诱发水稻籽粒Cd积累量的变异,其突变频率为3:398%±0:009(P<0:05);初筛获得78株籽粒较WT Cd吸收差异显著的突变体,进一步对其种植,分析M3代籽粒Cd含量。结果表明,重离子辐照诱变水稻突变体突变率高,遗传稳定,高Cd含量曝露下筛选效率更高,突变体水稻籽粒中Cd的积累存在着明显的差异,产生Cd积累差异的基因型丰富;相关性分析表明,M2代和M3代糙米中Cd含量存在显著相关性r=0:8210(P<0:01),M3代获得23株遗传性良好且Cd含量差异显著的突变体水稻,其中Cd含量低于国家标准0.2 mg·kg-1突变体3株。表明筛选出的水稻突变体,在吸收转运Cd的过程中,存在差异且能稳定遗传,可供进一步研究培育籽粒Cd低积累的水稻品种。

    Screening low-cadmium rice cultivar is the most directly and effective way to control cadmium content in rice grain. We screened low-cadmium rice mutant of M2 generation exposed in different Cd concentration (the pool contaminated with 19.8 mg Cd·kg-1 and the paddy field contaminated with 2.721 mg Cd·kg-1) from rice mutants(9311, Oryza sativa L) induced by 12C6+ ion beam, and explored the mutation rate of 12C6+ ion beam irradiation and the screening efficiency of different Cd concentration exposed, all of the detections were carried out by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrum(GFAAS). The results showed that the mutation rate is 3:398%±0:009(P<0:05) and high Cd concentration exposed has more efficiency in screening low-Cd rice mutant. Correlation analysis show significant correlation of Cd in rice grain between M2 and M3 generations, r=0:8210(P<0:01); We obtained 23 mutant strains with significant Cd concentration difference and they had a great genetic stability. Among them, three strains' Cd concentrations were lower than the national standard (0.2 mg·kg-1). They can used for further study on cultivating new rice varieties of low Cd accumulation in rice gain.


    Abstract: Screening low-cadmium rice cultivar is the most directly and effective way to control cadmium content in rice grain. We screened low-cadmium rice mutant of M2 generation exposed in different Cd concentration (the pool contaminated with 19.8 mg Cd·kg-1 and the paddy field contaminated with 2.721 mg Cd·kg-1) from rice mutants(9311, Oryza sativa L) induced by 12C6+ ion beam, and explored the mutation rate of 12C6+ ion beam irradiation and the screening efficiency of different Cd concentration exposed, all of the detections were carried out by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrum(GFAAS). The results showed that the mutation rate is 3:398%±0:009(P<0:05) and high Cd concentration exposed has more efficiency in screening low-Cd rice mutant. Correlation analysis show significant correlation of Cd in rice grain between M2 and M3 generations, r=0:8210(P<0:01); We obtained 23 mutant strains with significant Cd concentration difference and they had a great genetic stability. Among them, three strains' Cd concentrations were lower than the national standard (0.2 mg·kg-1). They can used for further study on cultivating new rice varieties of low Cd accumulation in rice gain.


