暗物质粒子探测卫星(Dark Matter Particle Explorer,DAMPE)的塑闪阵列探测器(Plastic Scintillator Detector,PSD)需要实现高能e/γ粒子的鉴别功能以及对
The Plastic Scintillator Detector (PSD) of DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) aims for high energy e/γ identification and charge measurement for cosmic-ray ions from Z=1~20. It adopts photomultiplier tube as the readout device and extracts signals from both dynode5 and dynode8 to enlarge the readout dynamic range. A beam test on a PSD detector unit based this design has been carried out at the External Target Facility (ETF) terminal of the Cooling Storage Ring of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL-CSR). The detector response to light nuclei (Z≤8) at the medium energy scale was extracted and the attenuation length was proved to be irrelevant with the impinging nuclei species. By extrapolating the result to heavy nuclei at the high energy scale and taking into account light attenuation, energy fluctuation and imping angle, the dynamic range of the output signal of PSD detector unit was estimated. The range is well within the linear range of the front-end electronics of PSD, thus verifies the large dynamic range readout design of PSD.