
用于裂变碎片质量测量的MCP和Au-Si SBD飞行时间探测系统

A MCP and Au-Si SBD TOF Detection System for Mass Measurement of Fission Fragments

  • 摘要: 为了能很好地鉴别碎片质量,建立一个好的飞行时间测量方法是十分必要的。阐述了建立用于裂变碎片质量测量的微通道板(MCP)和金硅面垒探测器(SBD)飞行时间探测系统。对于80 μg/cm2厚的碳膜,241Am的α粒子的探测效率约为39%,252Cf(sf)裂变碎片的探测效率约为98%。在动能为78 MeV条件下,对252Cf(sf)重裂变碎片(138~148 u)得到的时间分辨为(224:1±6:1)ps;在动能为102 MeV条件下,对252Cf(sf)轻裂变碎片(101~111 u),得到的时间分辨为(154:5±5:8)ps。

    In order to separate the mass number of fragments in the fission reactions, it is essential to develop a good time-of-flight (TOF) method. The purpose of this article is to set up a TOF detector system including a microchannel plate (MCP) and a Au-Si surface-barrier detector (SBD). The TOF system shows a detection efficiency of 39% for α-particles released from 241Am and 98% for fragments in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf. The experimental results show that the time resolutions of (224:1±6:1) ps for the heavy fragments (Ek=78 MeV, AH=138~148 u) and (154:5±5:8) ps for the light fragments (Ek=102 MeV, AL=101~111 u) can be obtained.


    Abstract: In order to separate the mass number of fragments in the fission reactions, it is essential to develop a good time-of-flight (TOF) method. The purpose of this article is to set up a TOF detector system including a microchannel plate (MCP) and a Au-Si surface-barrier detector (SBD). The TOF system shows a detection efficiency of 39% for α-particles released from 241Am and 98% for fragments in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf. The experimental results show that the time resolutions of (224:1±6:1) ps for the heavy fragments (Ek=78 MeV, AH=138~148 u) and (154:5±5:8) ps for the light fragments (Ek=102 MeV, AL=101~111 u) can be obtained.


