

Theoretical Study of the Neutron Capture Cross-section of 175Lu Based on the TALYS Program

  • 摘要: 175Lu中子俘获反应在核反应堆和重元素核合成过程中有着非常重要的作用。176Lu存在一个122.8 keV同质异能态(176mLu),使175Lu(n, γ)176Lu反应截面的测量难度增加。为了研究该反应截面及其在s-过程核合成中的影响,采用TALYS-2.0程序计算了0.01~20 MeV能量范围内的175Lu中子俘获截面和生成176Lu基态、同质异能态的分截面,并与EXFOR实验数据库以及ENDF评价数据库的数据进行比较。结果表明,核能级密度模型与光子强度函数模型同时组合优化时,计算结果与实验值符合较好。此外,还计算了0.01~100 keV能量范围内的麦克斯韦平均截面,并与KADoNiS v0.3数据库中的实验值进行比较,在kT=30 keV时,计算值与实验值符合较好,相对偏差为4.1%。研究表明,TALYS程序可以较好地描述175Lu(n, γ)176Lu反应截面,为进一步优化参数和验证实验数据提供了参考,对于研究s-过程核合成具有重要意义。


    Abstract: The neutron capture reaction of 175Lu is of great importance in nuclear reactors and heavy ion nucleosynthesis processes in the universe. The existence of a 122.8 keV isomeric state (176mLu) in 176Lu increases the difficulty in measuring the cross sections of 175Lu(n, γ)176Lu reaction. To study this reaction cross-section and its impact on s-process nucleosynthesis, the TALYS-2.0 program was used to calculate the total cross-section of the 175Lu neutron capture reaction and the partial cross-sections for the production of the 176Lu ground state and isomeric state in the energy range of 0.01~20 MeV. The results were compared with data from the EXFOR experimental database and the ENDF evaluated nuclear data library. The results show that when the nuclear level density model and the photon strength function model are optimized in combination, the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental values. Additionally, the Maxwellian-averaged cross-sections were calculated in the energy range of 0.01~100 keV and compared with the experimental values from the KADoNiS v0.3 database. At kT=30 keV, the calculated value agrees well with the experimental value, with a relative deviation of 4.1%. This study demonstrates that the TALYS program can effectively describe the 175Lu(n, γ)176Lu reaction cross-section, providing a reference for further parameter optimization and validation of experimental data, which is of great significance for investigating s-process nucleosynthesis.


