  • 摘要: 通过重离子熔合蒸发反应82Se(18O,p4n)95Nb,布居了95Nb的高自旋态。利用多探头中国联合伽马探测阵列进行了在束γ测量,研究了95Nb核的高自旋态能级结构。基于γ-γ符合关系扩展了95Nb的能级纲图,发现了25条新的γ跃迁和21条新的能级,并调整了部分能级的摆放位置。将新的能级结构与壳模型计算进行了比较和讨论。结果表明,要正确的描述95Nb核的高自旋态(自旋值大于39/2)能级结构,应考虑质子跨越38子壳 f5/2g9/2核心激发。


    Abstract: High-spin level structure of 95Nb has been investigated using the multi-detector array of the conjoint gamma array in China via the 82Se(18O, p4n)95Nb. Based on γ-γ coincidence relationships, the level scheme of 95Nb has been modified and extended with 25 new γ rays and 15 new levels. The new level structure of 95Nb has been compared with the shell model calculations. It is suggested that the proton core excitation(f5/2g9/2) across Z = 38 sub-shell should be taken into account in order to adequately describe the high-spin level structure in 95Nb above spin of 39/2.


