

Study of the Proton Resonant States in 23Mg via 22Na+p Thick-target Elastic Scattering

  • 摘要: 22Na(p, γ)23Mg和19Ne(α, p)22Na是新星环境下NeNa-MgAl循环以及rp-过程的两个关键反应,对于理解新星的演化和元素核合成有重要意义。因为涉及奇A23Mg质子分离阈上的众多共振能级,目前这两个反应的反应率仍有较大分歧。在兰州重离子加速器国家实验室的RIBLL1放射性束流线上,利用22Na+p厚靶逆运动学弹性散射方法对复合核23Mg的质子共振态进行了测量,获得了质心系能量1.5~4 MeV区间22Na(p,p)的激发函数,发现了复合核23Mg明显的质子共振态结构,利用R-矩阵理论分析确定了复合核23Mg的22条质子共振态的共振参数,为进一步计算19Ne(α, p)22Na反应的天体物理反应率奠定了基础。


    Abstract: 22Na(p, γ)23Mg and 19Ne(α, p)22Na are two crucial reactions in the so-called NeNa-MgAl cycle and the rapid-proton process, their astrophysical reaction rates are indispensable inputs in understanding the outburst mechanism and element synthesis of novae. Since many proton resonance levels in odd-A compound nucleus 23Mg may be involved at nova temperature, existing measurements can only provide partial effective information on the 22Na(p, γ)23Mg reaction, large discrepancies still exist in the astrophysical reaction rates of the two reactions. In the present work, 22Na+p resonance scattering via thick target inverse kinematics was studied at RIBLL1 radioactive beam line in the HIRFL national laboratory at Lanzhou. Excitation functions of 22Na(p, p) are obtained in the energy range of Ec.m. = 1.5 to 4 MeV. Obvious resonance structure is observed in the 23Mg compound nucleus, resonance parameters are deduced for 22 proton resonance states in 23Mg via R-matrix analysis, which will be used for the evaluation of the astrophysical reaction rates of 22Na(p, γ)23Mg and 19Ne(α, p)22Na.


