

Burn-up Monitor Nuclide Selection and Source Term Analysis in CiADS Actinide Nuclide Transmutation Experiments

  • 摘要: 加速器驱动的次临界系统(ADS)在嬗变方面具有独特优势,在ADS装置上开展锕系核素嬗变燃耗测量实验,具有重要的现实意义。通过对CiADS堆芯进行燃耗计算,得到了燃料芯块中各种核素的含量。分析对比这些核素的伽马光子发射率、半衰期以及能量,分析结果表明:Cs-137是CiADS嬗变实验最合适的燃耗标识核素。


    Abstract: The Accelerator Driven subcritical System (ADS) has a unique advantage in transmutation. It has important practical significance to conduct experiments on transmutation and burnup measurement of actinide nuclides in an ADS device. By performing burn-up calculation on the CiADS core, the composition of various nuclides in the fuel pellets is obtained. A comprehensive analysis of the half-life, gamma photon emission rate and energy of these nuclides has been conducted, revealing that the Cs-137 is the most appropriate burn-up indicator nuclide in CiADS transmutation experiments.


