

A 128-channel High Precision Time-to-digital Conversion Module

  • 摘要: 百皮秒精度的时间测量广泛运用于大型物理实验、激光测距、医疗影像等诸多领域。在这些领域中,时间数字变换(TDC)模块除了对时间精度有要求外,对集成度也有很高的要求,需要在有限的面积内实现多至百通道的TDC。考虑到模块使用前需要进行性能评估,而对如此多通道数的系统进行手动扫描测试是一项繁杂耗时的工作,因此有必要设计板载自测试功能。为此本工作主要是基于自主研发的时间数字变换专用集成电路(TDC ASIC)设计了一款具备自测试功能的128通道TDC模块,此模块兼容PXI机箱。测试结果表明,128通道TDC均能达到好于60 ps RMS的时间测量精度,且一致性较好。此外,板载自测试电路可产生符合预期的高精度测试脉冲,完成自动性能评估测试。


    Abstract: The precise time measurement with less than 100 ps precision is widely used in various fields such as large-scale physics experiments, laser ranging, medical imaging, and so on. In these fields, the time-to-digital conversion (TDC) module requires high accuracy and integration density, and needs to implement more than 100 channels of TDC in a limited area. Considering that the performance evaluation of the module is necessary before being used, manual scanning tests of such a multi-channel system are cumbersome and time-consuming. Therefore, it is necessary to design an on-board self-test function. This work is based on the self-developed TDC chip to design a 128-channel high-precision TDC module with self-test function, which is compatible with the PXI chassis. The test results show that all the 128 TDC channels can achieve a time measurement precision of better than 60 ps RMS, with a good uniformity. In addition, the on-board self-test circuit can generate high-precision test pulses as expected and complete automatic performance evaluation testing.


