During the beam commissioning of the Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) line of the LECR3 ion source, it is necessary to process the beam transverse profile collected by the fluorescent target through numerical calculations, transmission, and graphical display, to achieve the visualization of beam quality parameters, facilitating beam diagnostics and tuning.To achieve this, an online visualization system for measuring and analyzing fluorescent target profile parameters, known as the Scintillator Online Measurement System (SOMS), has been developed based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). Within this system, the Input Output Controller (IOC) layer is implemented using Python data processing scripts, which facilitate software modules for image acquisition, calibration, processing, calculation of profile parameters, and publication of parameters as Process Variables (PV). Moreover, the visualization of fluorescent target image profile parameters is integrated into the Control System Studio (CSS) client.The entire system has undergone beam operation testing, demonstrating stable and reliable performance, with accurate and efficient calculations of beam profile parameters. The user interface is designed to be intuitive, significantly enhancing the efficiency of beam commissioning at the front end of the ion source.