  • 摘要: 在兰州重离子研究装置的放射性束流线(HIRFL-RIBLL1)上,使用由三块双面硅微条探测器及环绕它的五个高纯锗探测器组成的探测器阵列,对丰质子核29S的\beta延迟\gamma衰变性质展开研究。本次实验获得了29S的半衰期,为183(4) ms。首次实现了29S的\beta延迟\gamma测量,准确地获得了4条\gamma射线,得到了通过\beta衰变布居到子核29P低激发态的衰变分支比,并由此建立了29S的部分衰变纲图。基于实验数据,研究了29S→29P/29Al→29Si镜像衰变过程中的同位旋对称性破缺。


    Abstract: The \beta-delayed \gamma decay properties of proton-rich nucleus 29S were studied with three double-sided silicon strip detectors surrounded by five high-purity germanium detectors on the HIRFL-RIBLL1 facility. The most precise half-life of 29S was obtained to be 183(4) ms in this experiment. The measurements of \beta-delayed \gamma rays of 29S were achieved for the first time and four \beta-\gamma rays were observed accurately. The \beta-decay branching ratio for the low-lying excited states of 29P was determined and a partial decay scheme of 29S was established. Based on experimental data, the isospin symmetry breaking in the mirror decay process of the 29S→29P/29Al→29Si was studied.


