
温度和偏压对4H-SiC FinFET器件单粒子瞬态效应的影响

Investigation of Temperature and Bias Voltage Dependence of Single Event Transient in 4H-SiC FinFET

  • 摘要: 基于TCAD构建了14 nm SOI 4H-SiC FinFET器件的单粒子瞬态(SET)仿真模型。设置环境温度范围258~398 K,分析了不同偏压对器件的SET的影响,并探讨了其作用机理。结果表明,温度的升高,改变了器件的费米能级,减小了带隙,增大了驱动电流,增强了器件的抗SET免疫性;偏压的增大,增加了内部电场,提高了电荷收集率,增加了器件的SET敏感性。由于温度和偏压对SET影响的竞争关系,使得器件在温度398 K、偏压0.4 V时,所产生的SET最弱,与温度300 K、偏压0.8 V的SET相比,其峰值电流和收集电荷分别相对减小22.77%、50.83%。


    Abstract: By TCAD, the model for single event transient(SET) in SOI 4H-SiC FinFET device at 14 nm technology node was simulated. With the temperature range from 258 to 398 K, the influence of the bias voltages on SET was analyzed and the potential mechanism was also discussed. The simulation results indicate that due to the temperature increase, the Femi energy of the device changes and the band gap reduces, which increases the driven current. Then it leads to improve the immunity to SET. However, because of the bias voltage increase, the inner electrical field in the device enhances, resulting in the rate of the charge collected increase, which increases the sensitivity to SET. Due to the competitive relationship between the impacts of the temperature and the bias voltage on SET, when the temperature is 398 K and the bias voltage is 0.4 V, the weakest SET is obtained. Compared with SET obtained at 300 K and 0.8 V, the weakest one is with the relative decrements of the current peak and the collected charge being 22.77%, 50.83%, respectively.


