

Microstructure Changes of SiC Fibers Induced by Swift Heavy Ions

  • 摘要: 借助场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)分析技术,研究不同注量的246.8 MeV的Ar16+ 离子辐照SiC纤维后的表面形貌、组分、直径以及SiC晶粒大小和相态随离子注量的变化规律。SEM结果表明,随着离子注量的增加,SiC纤维直径呈现先减小后增大的趋势;最大注量(2.7×1015 ions/cm2)辐照的SiC纤维表面粗糙度显著增大,且纤维脆性断裂;同时,纤维表面碳含量随注量逐渐减小,硅含量逐渐增大,并有氧的吸附。TEM结果表明,随着离子注量的增加,SiC晶粒的尺寸先减小后增大,局部出现了非晶化;最高注量辐照后,发生了再结晶现象。


    Abstract: The surface morphology, compositions, diameters, SiC grains and phase characteristics of SiC fibers irradiated by 246.8 MeV Ar16+ ions at different fluences were studied by means of field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). SEM results show that with the increase of the ion fluence, the diameter of SiC fiber first decreases and then increases. Moreover, at the highest fluence (2.7×1015 ions/cm2) irradiation, the surface roughness of SiC fiber increases evidently, and a brittle fracture occurred. Meanwhile, the carbon concentration on SiC fiber surface decreases and silicon concentration increases gradually with the ion fluences, accompanied by an adsorption of oxygen. TEM observations reveal that with an increase in ion fluences, the size of SiC grains first decreases and then increases, and some amorphization occurred. Furthermore, a transformation from the amorphization to the recrystallization was observed at the highest fluence irradiation.


