One of the key tools for measuring the magnetic fields of accelerator magnets is the Hall sensor. Hall sensors must be frequently calibrated while in operation to guarantee that they can perform measurements with extreme accuracy. It is also of great practical importance to establish a standard Hall sensor calibration system with a broad span of magnetic field and temperature range because the current testing tasks of accelerator magnets have introduced new demands on the measurement range and operating temperature of Hall sensors. Dependent on this, a complete high-precision Hall sensor calibration system is built and the data acquisition part of the system is discussed here. Based on this system, a number of calibration attempts were made in the 0-2.0 T magnetic field region using Hall sensors like the HHP-NP, HPCS, DTM151, HE244T,
etc. The calibration curves were fitted using both linear and polynomial methods, and the results show that the fitting results are good and the degree of linear deviation is better than 0.01%. The smaller the degree of linear deviation of the test results, the more accurate the measurements.