By analyzing the experimental data of
\rm\gamma +^50,52
Cr, the divergence between the absorption cross section and measurements of neutron and proton emission cross sections was clarified, the correction of neutron emission cross section of
52Cr was given. The EGLO model of photon strength function was selected to describe the absorption cross section. Combined with the quasideuteron contribution, the evaluation of photon absorption cross section was given. MEND-G code has been newly developed for calculating gamma induced medium heavy nuclear reactions. By optimizing the theoretical parameters, the cross sections of n, p,
etc. in the range of 200 MeV were given. The results of this work were in good agreement with the main measurement of neutron and proton emission below 30 MeV. All data of
\rm\gamma +^50,52,53,54
Cr have been output in ENDF/B-6 format, which was convenient for nuclear engineering.