

Symmetries and Their Breaking of Strong Interaction System

  • 摘要: 本文简要介绍对称性及其破缺的概念和基本的数学上所说的幺正对称性等的微观粒子实现,从而为利用抽象的数学描述物理问题奠定基础。本文还简要介绍早期宇宙强相互作用物质演化过程的对称性及其破缺,尤其是可见物质质量的产生(比如DCSB)以及强相互作用等基本相互作用的规范对称性和破缺,为有意向探讨早期宇宙强相互作用物质演化的青年学者和研究生提供必要的知识储备,并打开一扇窗口。同时,还简要讨论原子核的对称性及其破缺,尤其是作为强相互作用多体系统的束缚态研究中的基本理论方法、(多粒子)壳模型及相互作用玻色子近似模型(IBM)、集体运动的描述及集体运动模式演化(形状相变)的研究方法及进展简况,提供一些在基本理论方法与前沿研究课题之间建立桥梁的实例。


    Abstract: This article reviews concisely the symmetries and their breaking of strong interaction system. To establish the bridge between the abstract symmetry concept and principle in mathematics and the application in physics to reveal the underlying principle of strong interaction, we describe not only the abstract concept but also the realization of the unitary and other symmetries with the microscopic particles. We then describe the evolution of the strong interaction matter in the early universe in view of the symmetries and their breaking, especially on the dynamical generation of the observable mass(i.e., DCSB) and those of the strong and other interactions (gauge symmetry and breaking). We make also a survey of the symmetries and their breaking of nucleus, with concentration on the general methods of studying the many-body system in the symmetry point of view, the multi-particle shell model and the interacting boson approximation (IBM), the modes of nuclear collective motion and their evolution (i.e., nuclear shape phase transition). The survey intends to link the fundamental approaches with the practical investigations in the related frontiers of research properly and promptly.


