

Raw Material Characteristics of the White Porcelain from Huangye Kiln by Multivariable Statistics Analysis

  • 摘要: 黄冶窑文化内涵丰富,其创烧于隋,兴盛于唐代中期,停烧于唐代晚期。为探讨不同时期黄冶窑白瓷的胎料来源和釉料配方是否相同,选取黄冶窑隋、早唐、中唐、晚唐四个时期的80个白瓷样品,利用质子激发X射线荧光分析(PIXE)测定各样品胎、釉中9种化学成分(Na2O、MgO、Al2O3、SiO2、P2O5、K2O、CaO、TiO2、Fe2O3)的含量,用多元统计分析中的Fisher判别分析处理PIXE数据,并计算各样品釉的木灰釉式系数b来划分瓷釉类型。结果表明:黄冶窑四个时期的胎料取自同一或相近的地点,都是就地取材;四个时期的釉料配方比较相似,而四期白瓷的釉料配方最为稳定,且与二期釉料配方最相似,而与一期釉料配方已有明显不同;黄冶窑白瓷釉大部分为钙釉,存在少量钙碱釉和碱钙釉。


    Abstract: Huangye kiln has rich culture connotation. It originated in the Sui Dynasty, flourished in the mid Tang Dynasty and declined in the late Tang Dynasty. To discuss whether the raw material sources and glaze formulations of the white porcelain from Huangye kiln are the same in different periods, 80 white porcelain samples from Huangye kiln in four periods, namely the Sui Dynasty, the early Tang Dynasty, the middle Tang Dynasty, and the late Tang Dynasty, were selected. The content of 9 chemical components (Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, P2O5, K2O, CaO, TiO2, and Fe2O3) of the body and glaze of each sample was measured by proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE). Then the data were analyzed with Fisher discriminant analysis. The types of white porcelain glazes of Huangye kiln were classified by calculating the b value of the glazes. The results show that the bodies of the white porcelain from Huangye kiln in four periods may have been made of local raw materials taken from the same or nearby locations, that the glaze formulations in four periods are similar, and that the glaze formulation in the fourth period is the most stable and the most similar to that in the second period, but obviously different from that in the first period. They also show that most of the glazes of the white porcelain from Huangye kiln belong to the category of calcium glaze, and that a small quantity of glazes belongs to the categories of calcium-alkali glaze and alkali-calcium glaze.


