

Calculations of the 17O and 17F Spectra and 16O(p,p) Reaction Cross Sections in the Coupled-channel Gamow Shell Model

  • 摘要: 利用耦合道Gamow壳模型计算了17O和17F的低激发能谱以及16O(p,p)反应的低能弹性散射截面。结果表明,17O和17F中非束缚共振态能级的核子发射宽度的计算需要合理地考虑连续态耦合效应。计算得到的17O和17F的低激发能谱以及16O(p,p)反应的低能弹性散射激发函数都与实验数据吻合较好。这说明基于现实核力的计算可更好地描述16O(p,p)反应的低能弹性散射截面。


    Abstract: We apply the coupled-channel Gamow shell model to calculate the spectra of 17O and 17F, as well as 16O(p,p) elastic cross sections at low energies. It is shown that continuum coupling is necessary to account for the particle-emission width of the unbound eigenstates of 17O and 17F. The low-lying spectrum of 17O and 17F and 16O(p,p) excitations functions are in fair agreement with experimental data. Nevertheless, it is also shown that the use of a realistic nuclear Hamiltonian is needed to have an optimal reproduction of 16O(p,p) elastic cross sections in the low-energy region.


