An independent theoretical analysis is presented for the 2
– band in
248Cf, which has been identified to spin
and excitation energy
4 MeV, implying the fission barrier persists at least up to that angular momentum and excitation for the configuration. The underlying physics for the experimentally observed band is discussed in terms of alignment properties and decay pattern. Different scenarios for assumptions about intrinsic configuration are assessed with transition rates analysis. It turns out that only by invoking a particle-phonon mixing picture can the decay characteristics of the pair of bands be well accounted for,
i.e. quasiparticle nature forbids decay to ground-state band, non-axial octupole phonon shifts the signature partners in energy and diminishes mutual interaction. The coexisting normal and superconducting phases are tentatively attributed to weak neutron pairing in the proximity of 152 deformed shell gap.