

Collective Motion in 130Ba

  • 摘要: 为探索原子核中的集体运动,一项在意大利Legnaro实验室XTU串列加速器上开展的在束\rm\gamma 谱学实验研究大幅拓展了130Ba的能级结构。实验以能量为65 MeV的13C束流轰击120Sn薄靶,布居130Ba的激发态。从激发态退激的\rm\gamma 射线由GALILEO阵列探测,而与之关联的蒸发粒子由带电粒子阵列EUCLIDES和中子墙NWALL探测。分析符合数据鉴别了一系列新的转动带,其中一部分布居9.4 ms同核异能态。结合已知的电四极矩和磁矩信息,提取了该同核异能态的g因子。分析多条转动带,发现130Ba可能处于长椭形变,也可能处于扁椭形变,而其集体转动方向可能沿主轴,也可能沿主轴以外的倾斜方向。这是首次在130核区发现沿倾斜方向的集体转动。理论分析建议将部分新发现的结构解释为基于二准粒子组态的摇摆运动,这是实验上在偶偶核中观测到的首例基于两准粒子组态的摇摆带结构。


    Abstract: An in-beam \rm\gamma spectroscopic study, based on the XTU Tandem accelerator of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in Italy, has been performed to explore the collective motion in 130Ba. A significantly extended level scheme of 130Ba has been built in the present work. High-spin states of 130Ba were populated via the 122Sn(13C, 5n) reaction at a beam energy of 65 MeV. The \rm\gamma rays were detected by the GALILEO spectrometer, while the neutrons and charged particles were detected by the Neutron Wall array and the EUCLIDES silicon apparatus, respectively. A series of new rotational bands in 130Ba have been identified, among which there is a new structure populating to the previously known 9.4 ms isomer. With the help of previously reported intrinsic quadrupole moment and magnetic moment, we extracted precise value of the g factors of this isomer. According to the band structure analysis, the coexistence of prolate and oblate shapes has been observed in 130Ba, while the orientation of collective rotation can be either along or away from the principal axes. It is the first time to identify a tilted band in the A = 130 mass region. Theoretical analysis suggests that a new band can be interpreted as the wobbling motion built on two-quasiparticle configuration, which is the first wobbling band observed in an even-even nucleus.


