

Soft and Hard Probes of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

  • 摘要: 简要回顾了高能核碰撞中夸克胶子等离子体的软探针和硬探针的一些最新进展,主要内容集中在相对论重离子对撞机和大型强子对撞机实验中各向异性集体流和喷注淬火的理论和唯象研究,对小系统中集体流的来源也做了简要的讨论。对于软探针,讨论了初态三维涨落和碰撞几何各向异性、相对论流体力学演化、末态各向异性集体流以及集体流的涨落、关联和纵向去关联等。通过与实验数据作系统的比较,可以探测重离子碰撞中夸克胶子等离子体的动力演化和各种输运性质。对于硬探针,集中讨论了部分子能量损失和喷注淬火对部分子味道的依赖性、重味夸克在夸克胶子等离子体中的强子化、整体喷注在核介质中的演化以及核介质对喷注的响应等。细致分析相关的观测量,可以帮助我们更全面地了解相对论核碰撞中喷注与核介质的相互作用以及重味粒子的生成。对于小系统,讨论初态和末态效应在解释小系统中轻强子和重味强子的集体流方面的贡献,这有助于我们理解大碰撞系统中集体流的起源成因。


    Abstract: We provide a short review on some recent developments in the soft and hard probes of quark-gluon plasma(QGP) in high-energy nuclear collisions. The main focus is on the theoretical and phenomenological studies of anisotropic collective flow and jet quenching related to the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider(RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider(LHC). The origin of the collectivity in small collision systems is also briefly discussed. For soft probes, we discuss initial-state fluctuations and geometric anisotropy, the hydrodynamic evolution of the fireball, and final-state anisotropic flows, flow fluctuations, correlations and longitudinal decorrelations. Systematic comparison to experimental data may infer the evolution dynamics and various transport properties of the QGP produced in heavy-ion collisions. For hard probes, we focus on the flavor dependence of parton energy loss and jet quenching, the hadronization of heavy quarks in QGP, full jet evolution in nuclear medium and medium response. Detailed analysis of related observables can help us achieve more comprehensive understanding of jet-medium interaction and heavy flavor production in relativistic nuclear collisions. For small systems, we discuss how initial-state and final-state effects explain the observed collective flows of light and heavy flavor hadrons in proton-nucleus collisions, which is helpful in understanding the origin of the collectivity in large collision systems.


