This paper present a review on the dynamically generated sea quark and gluon distributions in the free nucleon and the cold nuclear medium. In the dynamical parton model, all the sea quarks and gluons come purely from the QCD fluctuations with DGLAP equations, where the small components of intrinsic sea quarks are neglected. The three valence quark distributions from maximum entropy method are taken as the nonperturbative input at
Q_0^2\sim 0.1
2. The saturated strong coupling at low
2) is used in this work. Nucleon swelling and parton-parton recombination enhancement are considered for the nuclear matter. The dynamical parton distributions of both nucleon and cold nuclear matter are consistent with the experiments. Furthermore, we show a preliminary application of the nuclear parton distributions in the extraction of the parton energy loss penetrating in the cold nuclear medium.