

Correlation Between the Probability of Spin-zero Ground State and TBME in the Presence of Random Interactions

  • 摘要: 原子核在随机相互作用下呈现出偶偶核基态零自旋占优的现象。过去的研究表明这一现象与两体矩阵元相关。在此基础上,通过改变随机两体系综的每一个两体矩阵元的分布宽度,增强该两体矩阵元的影响,同时保留其他两体矩阵元的分布,分析偶偶核在此系综下的基态零自旋几率。本文发现了基态零自旋几率对某些两体矩阵元不敏感。在此基础上以真实剩余两体相互作用作为随机两体矩阵元分布的中心值,发现了基态零自旋几率与两体矩阵元分布的中心值相关度很大。


    Abstract: The dominance of zero-spin ground state of even-even nuclei by two-body random ensemble(TBRE) is attributed to some of the two-body matrix elements(TBMEs). In this paper, we investigate the correlation between the probability of spin-zero ground state and TBMEs through enhance each TBME by changing the width of distribution and keep other TBMEs with standard gaussian distribution. We find that the probability of spin-zero ground state is insensitive to some TBMEs. Moreover, we further investigate the probability of spin-zero ground state through setting the centroid of TBME to realistic interaction, we find that the probability of spin-zero ground state is correlate with the centroid of TBME.


