

Investigation of Edge Plasma Instabilities in High Confinement Plasmas of Tokamak

  • 摘要: 托卡马克高约束模运行可大幅提高磁约束核聚变等离子体约束品质,该模式下的等离子体不稳定性研究对于控制约束和保护装置有重要意义。本文主要介绍了高约束模及其边缘等离子体不稳定性的研究概况,并重点介绍了中国环流器二号A托卡马克装置上关于高约束模转换、边缘局域模特征和控制方法、台基区不稳定性和台基饱和机制等方面的研究进展。研究结果表明,实验上有望通过粒子和射频波注入等外部激励的方法,影响台基区等离子体湍流,进行控制台基动力学演化以及ELM,实现既保持高约束又降低高热负荷的等离子体稳态运行。


    Abstract: In tokamak plasmas, the confinement performance can be significantly improved in high confinement regime. Investigation on the plasma instabilities in this regime is important for the confinement control and steady state operation of tokamak. This paper mainly introduces the researches on the high confinement mode and underlying edge plasma instabilities. It emphasizes on the studies on high confinement mode transition, features of edge-localized mode and its control, pedestal instabilities and pedestal saturation mechanism. The study suggests that pedestal dynamics and edge-localized mode might be actively controlled by the pedestal turbulence, resulting in the steady state operation both with high confinement performance and low heat loads on plasma facing components.


