
\sqrts_\bfNN\!=\!5\thicksim12 GeV能区^\bf197\bfAu+^\bf197\!\!\bfAu碰撞中正反质子椭圆流劈裂的研究

Investigation of the Splitting in Elliptic Flow Between Protons and Anti-protons in ^\bf197\bfAu+^\bf197\bfAu Collisions at \sqrts_\bfNN\!=\!\bf5\thicksim\bf12~\bfGeV

  • 摘要: 利用极端相对论量子分子动力学(Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics,UrQMD) 模型研究了质心系能量\sqrts^_\rmNN=5\thicksim12~\rmGeV能区下^197\rmAu+^197\!\!\rmAu碰撞中正反质子的椭圆流v_2及椭圆流v_2流差。通过对比含势相互作用与不含势相互作用的两种UrQMD模式下的结果,分析了正反质子椭圆流v_2以及椭圆流v_2流差随横动量p_\rmt、碰撞能量\sqrts^_\rmNN、快度y和中心度的变化。发现在考虑平均场势修正后,可以较好地描述质子椭圆流v_2、正反质子椭圆流v_2流差随横动量p_\rmt、碰撞能量\sqrts^_\rmNN变化的实验数据,并且流差的能量依赖受观测窗口(如:快度和中心度)大小的影响。这些信息对深入理解高密区核物质属性以及探究QCD(Quantum-ChromoDynamical) 相图结构有着积极的意义。


    Abstract: Utilizing ultra-relativistic quantum molecular dynamics (UrQMD) model, the elliptic flow v_2 for proton and anti-protons as well as the v_2 difference between proton and anti-protons from ^197\rmAu+^197\rmAu collisions at center-of-mass energies \sqrts^_\rmNN=5\thicksim12 GeV are investigated. By comparing the results from the UrQMD model with and without potential interactions, the v_2 of protons and anti-protons and their difference as a function of the transverse momentum p_\rmt, incident energy \sqrts^_\rmNN, rapidity and centrality are analyzed. It is found that by including mean-field potentials, the transverse momentum, incident energy dependence of v_2 of protons and the v_2 difference in protons and anti-protons could be described well. And the v_2 difference is affected by the size of the windows (i.e. rapidity and centrality). These information are useful to understand the properties of nuclear matter at high density and thus exploring the structure of QCD (Quantum-ChromoDynamical) phase diagrams.


