

Predominance of Linear Q and μ Systematics in Random-interaction Ensembles

  • 摘要: 在随机相互作用系综内,镉同位素11/2-同质异能态的电四极矩与磁偶极矩总是倾向于随中子数的增加呈线性演化,这与近年来的实验观测是一致的。除了对力对磁矩线性演化的决定性影响之外,特定形式的质子-中子相互作用被认为是这种线性演化的主要驱动力:电矩的线性演化要求质子中子之间的四极相互作用;磁矩则要求质子中子之间的短程相互作用,并且这种相互作用应具有与真实核相互作用一致的相对强度与正负性。

    In random-interaction ensembles, the electric quadrupole moments (Q) and magnetic moments (μ) of the Iπ=11/2- isomers of the Cd isotopes predominantly present linear correlation with neutron numbers, corresponding to the recently emphasized linear Q and μ systematics in realistic nuclear system. Although the seniority scheme enhances such predominance (more essentially for μ), the configuration mixing due to quadrupolelike and δ-force-like proton-neutron interactions is responsible for the linear Q and μ systematics, respectively, at least in random-interaction ensembles. Especially, the linear μ systematics further requires the proton-neutron interaction have similar relative strength and attractive-repulsive property to realistic nuclear interaction.


    Abstract: In random-interaction ensembles, the electric quadrupole moments (Q) and magnetic moments (μ) of the Iπ=11/2- isomers of the Cd isotopes predominantly present linear correlation with neutron numbers, corresponding to the recently emphasized linear Q and μ systematics in realistic nuclear system. Although the seniority scheme enhances such predominance (more essentially for μ), the configuration mixing due to quadrupolelike and δ-force-like proton-neutron interactions is responsible for the linear Q and μ systematics, respectively, at least in random-interaction ensembles. Especially, the linear μ systematics further requires the proton-neutron interaction have similar relative strength and attractive-repulsive property to realistic nuclear interaction.


