

Quantum Phase Transition in an Extension of the Interacting Boson Model Based on Dual Algebraic Structure

  • 摘要: 本工作将相互作用玻色子模型推广为包含f-和p-玻色子的情形。利用仿射型代数方法,通过对偶代数结构数值计算了多分量玻色型对力问题。利用对偶关系解析构建了与哈密顿量及其基底相联系的,由幺正的粒子数守恒和非粒子数守恒算符构成的准旋代数。在经该模型对106-116Cd偶偶核素实验能谱拟合的基础上,计算了基态和低激发态中各种玻色子占有率,准γ带中相邻能级摇摆等几个能特征该区域核素形状相变的序参量。从而展示了这些中重质量核从振动到γ-不稳定运动的形状相变行为。

    An extension of the original interacting boson model to the multi-level case including negative parity f-and p-bosons is made. An affinealgebraic approach is applied to solve the multi-level pairing problem numerically via the dual algebraic structure. The duality relation is explicitly used to construct the number-conserving unitary and number-nonconserving quasi-spin algebra, related with the Hamiltonian and the corresponding bases. After fitting to the experimental level energies of even-even 106-116Cd, several order parameters to signify the shape (phase) transition, such as occupation numbers of the bosons in the ground and a few lowest excited states, the level energy staggering in the (quasi)-γ band, are calculated to demonstrate the shape (phase) transitional behavior of these medium mass transitional nuclei.


    Abstract: An extension of the original interacting boson model to the multi-level case including negative parity f-and p-bosons is made. An affinealgebraic approach is applied to solve the multi-level pairing problem numerically via the dual algebraic structure. The duality relation is explicitly used to construct the number-conserving unitary and number-nonconserving quasi-spin algebra, related with the Hamiltonian and the corresponding bases. After fitting to the experimental level energies of even-even 106-116Cd, several order parameters to signify the shape (phase) transition, such as occupation numbers of the bosons in the ground and a few lowest excited states, the level energy staggering in the (quasi)-γ band, are calculated to demonstrate the shape (phase) transitional behavior of these medium mass transitional nuclei.


