

Theoretical Studies of α Condensates in Heavy Self-conjugate Nuclei

  • 摘要: 原子核多体系统中可以存在一类被称为α凝聚体的奇异物理态。该奇异态可以被视为玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚在原子核物理中的推广。一般认为,α凝聚体不仅可以存在于12C中,也可以存在于诸如16O,20Ne,24Mg,28Si等质量更重的自共轭原子核中。重自共轭原子核中的α凝聚体的物理性质是核结构理论重要的研究课题,相关理论计算可以为实验研究提供有益参考。主要介绍了该研究方向的基本理论框架,包括Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Röpke波函数方法、Yamada-Schuck模型,以及近期提出的半解析近似方法。还讨论了α粒子间四体相互作用对α凝聚体物理性质的影响,并对α凝聚体破裂和一维α凝聚体等可能的研究方向做了简要论述。

    α condensates are exotic states in nuclear many-body systems, and can be viewed as the generalization of the Bose-Einstein condensate in nuclear physics. It is widely believed that, α condensates exist not only in 12C, but also in heavier self-conjugate nuclei such as 16O, 20Ne, 24Mg, 28Si, etc. It is important to understand the physical properties of these α condensates in heavy self-conjugate nuclei from the theoretical perspective, and the theoretical results could be a useful reference for the experimental studies. This work reviews the basic frameworks to study α condensates, including the Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Röpke wave function, the Yamada-Schuck model, and the recently proposed semi-analytic approximation. The impacts of the four-body interactions of α particles on the physical properties of α condensates are reported. The breakup of α condensates and the one-dimensional α condensates are discussed briefly as the possible future directions in this field.


    Abstract: α condensates are exotic states in nuclear many-body systems, and can be viewed as the generalization of the Bose-Einstein condensate in nuclear physics. It is widely believed that, α condensates exist not only in 12C, but also in heavier self-conjugate nuclei such as 16O, 20Ne, 24Mg, 28Si, etc. It is important to understand the physical properties of these α condensates in heavy self-conjugate nuclei from the theoretical perspective, and the theoretical results could be a useful reference for the experimental studies. This work reviews the basic frameworks to study α condensates, including the Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Röpke wave function, the Yamada-Schuck model, and the recently proposed semi-analytic approximation. The impacts of the four-body interactions of α particles on the physical properties of α condensates are reported. The breakup of α condensates and the one-dimensional α condensates are discussed briefly as the possible future directions in this field.


