基于相对论Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (RHFB) 近似分别探索了质量-电荷极限下的超重元素与极端中质比下的奇特原子核中的新幻数问题。研究结果表明,赝自旋对称性的守恒和破缺与超重核区球形幻数结构的形成密切相关,并分别决定了中子与质子的新幻数结构。同时,理论模型之间的差异也与之密切相关。在中重奇特核区,RHFB近似很好地再现了Ca 同位素中的新幻数
N = 32,34,其中同位旋矢量道中洛伦兹张量耦合扮演了较为关键的角色。以此为例,研究证明了显式考虑交换(Fock) 项的RHFB 近似的可靠性。
Recent applications of the relativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (RHFB) approach in exploring the new magicities under extreme conditions are presented for the superheavy elements with the limits of mass and charge and for the exotic nuclei with extreme neutron-to-proton ratios. It is found that the emergence of new magic shells in superheavy region is tightly related to the restoration and violation of pseudo-spin symmetry, respectively for the neutron and proton ones, in which the model deviations are indicated and discussed. In medium-heavy exotic nuclei, the occurrence of new magicity
N = 32, 34 in Ca isotopes is well reproduced by the RHFB approach, in which the isovector Lorentz tensor couplings are found to play an essential role. The results exemplify that the RHFB approach, which considers the exchange (Fock) terms explicitly, furnishes a new theoretical instrument for advancing relativistic nuclear mean-field approaches.