

Effect of Fermion Velocity on Fermion Chiral Condensate in QED3 at Finite Temperature

  • 摘要: 三维QED 具有两个和QCD类似的性质:动力学手征对称破缺和禁闭。为了研究动力学手征对称破缺,基于彩虹近似,在Dyson-Schwinger 方程框架下,通过迭代求解有限温下的费米子自能方程,讨论了不同的费米速度下费米子手征凝聚与费米子味数之间的关系。发现在有限温下,对于固定的费米子味数,费米手征凝聚随费米速度的变大而单调减小。

    Analogous to Quantum QCD, QED3 has two interesting features: dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) and confinement. By adopting the rainbow approximation, we numerically solve the fermion self-energy equation at finite temperature in the framework of Dyson-Schwinger equations and discuss the relation between chiral condensate and fermion flavor for several fermion velocities in the finite temperature QED3. It is found that the fermion chiral condensate decreases monotonically with the fermion velocity increasing for a fixed N at finite temperature.


    Abstract: Analogous to Quantum QCD, QED3 has two interesting features: dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) and confinement. By adopting the rainbow approximation, we numerically solve the fermion self-energy equation at finite temperature in the framework of Dyson-Schwinger equations and discuss the relation between chiral condensate and fermion flavor for several fermion velocities in the finite temperature QED3. It is found that the fermion chiral condensate decreases monotonically with the fermion velocity increasing for a fixed N at finite temperature.


