

Several Controversial Issues of QED3

  • 摘要: 三维量子电动力学是一种看上去比较简单的Abel 类型的非微扰系统,其本身却有很多需要澄清的基本问题。从该系统是否具有密度依赖性,有限温下是否具有动力学自发对称破却以及规范玻色子可否具有质量这三方面出发,阐述了对三维量子电动力学一些基本问题的看法。

    Quantum electrodynamics in (2+1) dimensions (QED3) is an important nonperturbative system. This seems relatively simple Abel system, there are several issues that need to be clarified: whether or not the partition function of the system depends on chemical potential; whether or not there exists dynamical chiral symmetric breaking; whether or not the boson can acquires nonzero mass. In this paper, we give an in sight of the traits of QED3 from the dependence of density, temperature and massive boson to discuss those problems.


    Abstract: Quantum electrodynamics in (2+1) dimensions (QED3) is an important nonperturbative system. This seems relatively simple Abel system, there are several issues that need to be clarified: whether or not the partition function of the system depends on chemical potential; whether or not there exists dynamical chiral symmetric breaking; whether or not the boson can acquires nonzero mass. In this paper, we give an in sight of the traits of QED3 from the dependence of density, temperature and massive boson to discuss those problems.


