

Skyrmion Properties in an Uniform Magnetic Field

  • 摘要: 主要研究了斯格明子的质量和电荷半径在均匀磁场中的变化性质。基于系统所拥有的对称性,本研究采用一组拥有轴对称性的拟设方程式以便进行研究工作。本研究证明重子数即使在非零磁场中也是一个守恒量。本研究发现随着磁场强度的增加,斯格明子的质量和电荷半径对磁场的依赖方式不同:由于磁场的主要贡献由线性项过渡到平方项,因此随着磁场的增强,斯格明子的质量先下降然后上升;与此相对应的,随着磁场的增强,斯格明子的电荷半径先增加然后减小。最后,本研究发现磁星内部的状态方程式对磁场强度有强烈的依赖,因此在理论计算磁星的质量上限时应考虑磁场所产生的影响。

    The mass and shape of skyrmion in an uniform magnetic field are investigated. Base on the symmetry of the system, an axially symmetric ansatz of the soliton is proposed to perform the study. The baryon number is shown to be always conserved even in a nonzero magnetic background. It is found that with the increase of the strength of magnetic field, the static mass of skyrmion first decreases then increases, as the dominant role shift from the linear term of magnetic field to the quadratic term of magnetic field, while the soliton size first increase then decrease. Finally, in the core part of magnetar, the equation of state have strong dependence of magnetic field, which also modifies the mass limit for magnetar.


    Abstract: The mass and shape of skyrmion in an uniform magnetic field are investigated. Base on the symmetry of the system, an axially symmetric ansatz of the soliton is proposed to perform the study. The baryon number is shown to be always conserved even in a nonzero magnetic background. It is found that with the increase of the strength of magnetic field, the static mass of skyrmion first decreases then increases, as the dominant role shift from the linear term of magnetic field to the quadratic term of magnetic field, while the soliton size first increase then decrease. Finally, in the core part of magnetar, the equation of state have strong dependence of magnetic field, which also modifies the mass limit for magnetar.


