针对较大规模的成像系统提供了一种经济可行的集成方案。利用光纤的高速传输、USB的方便通用、SDRAM的大容量等特性,设计了前端控制板,完成了一个控制4 个CCD相机的功能,并在此基础上对原有软件进行修改,完成整体控制功能。通过增加前端控制板的设计,完成了基于光纤和USB的CCD集成系统,增加了系统的集成度,提高了系统的灵活性。
In this paper an economical and feasible integration solution is introduced for large-scale CCD imaging system. Based on fiber transmission and USB technology, a front control point is designed which can control 4 CCD camera. The control software only has to do small modification for new change. With the design of front control point, a CCD integrated system is established with higher integration and more flexibility.