
HIAF-CRing 中的俘获加速效率研究(英文)

Study on the Capture and Acceleration Efficiency in HIAF-CRing

  • 摘要: 以HIAF-CRing上典型离子238U34+为研究对象,对其纵向俘获和加速的动力学过程进行了研究。累积后的粒子能量为800 MeV/u, 经过绝热俘获和加速后,粒子被加速至1 130 MeV/u。研究结果表明,通过选择适当的俘获时间、绝热参数以及相空间面积因子等参数,应用优化后的高频俘获加速曲线,可以获得更高的俘获和加速效率。通过粒子纵向动力学追踪软件ESME 上进行模拟,得到了优化后的高频相位、高频电压曲线,使得俘获效率达到99.3%,加速效率近乎100%。同时确定出了CRing 高频腔加速U34+ 所需满足的特性参数,即电压需达到40 kV,频率范围是0:31s0:34 MHz。

    To reduce the beam loss during the capture and acceleration processes of CRing in HIAF project, the longitudinal beam motion is investigated using the typical ion of 238U34+during the two processes mentioned above. The ions will be captured adiabatically firstly and then will be accelerated from 800 to 1130 MeV/u with a high efficiency using optimized RF voltage and RF phase program. After that the bunched beam will be debunched for the later beam compression. Simulation of these processes by tracking appropriate distributions with the longitudinal beam dynamics code ESME has been used to
    find optimum parameters such as RF phase, RF voltage. The variation of the parameter during the RF cycle and the character parameters of the RF cavity are presented. 


    Abstract: To reduce the beam loss during the capture and acceleration processes of CRing in HIAF project, the longitudinal beam motion is investigated using the typical ion of 238U34+during the two processes mentioned above. The ions will be captured adiabatically firstly and then will be accelerated from 800 to 1130 MeV/u with a high efficiency using optimized RF voltage and RF phase program. After that the bunched beam will be debunched for the later beam compression. Simulation of these processes by tracking appropriate distributions with the longitudinal beam dynamics code ESME has been used to
    find optimum parameters such as RF phase, RF voltage. The variation of the parameter during the RF cycle and the character parameters of the RF cavity are presented. 


