Effects of Carbon Ion Irradiation on the Germ CellApoptosis in Caenorhabditis Elegans
摘要: 重离子辐射具有独特的深度剂量分布和较高的相对生物学效应,被认为是理想的放疗手段。重离子的生物学效应在径迹形成过程中由多个物理参量共同决定,而这些物理参量和离子入射深度紧密相关,因此明确离子不同入射深度的生物学效应对重离子肿瘤放疗方案的设计和优化有着重要的理论和应用价值。使用兰州重离子研究装置HIRFL-CSRe 终端的碳离子束作为辐射源,以活体模式动物线虫作为实验对象,以线虫生殖细胞的凋亡水平作为生物学检测终点,研究了10 和20 Gy 碳离子辐射在辐射的入口、坪区和峰区的当代生物学效应和对后代个体基因组不稳定性的影响。结果表明:10 和20 Gy 碳离子辐射在三个不同的辐照区域内均显著增加了辐射当代的线虫生殖腺细胞的凋亡水平,并表现出一定的辐射区域和辐射剂量依赖性。同时,辐射诱导的后代个体基因组不稳定性也表现出一定的辐射区域和辐射剂量相关性。Heavy ion irradiation is a perfect means in radio-therapy due to its special depth dose distribution and high relative biological effects. The biological effects of heavy ion irradiation are determined by some major physical parameters, and vary along the tracks of heavy ions. Therefore, it is very significant for the tumor radio-therapy to investigate the biological effects along whole range of heavy ion radiation. In the present study, Caenorhabditis elegans, a model in vivo, was irradiated by carbon ion beams from HCRFL-CSRe, The level of germ cell apoptosis of worms was used as a checking endpoint for DNA damage, the effects of carbon irradiation located in the entrance, plateau and peak regions on the genomic instability of the irradiated worm and their progeny were detected. The results showed that the 10 and 20 Gy of carbon ion radiations led to the increased germ cell apoptosis in irradiated worms and these effects depend on the worm location along the range of carbon ions and the irradiation dosage. The results also suggested that heavy ion irradiation induced the up-regulated genomic instability in their progeny, and might be related to both the irradiation dose and the irradiated location.Abstract: Heavy ion irradiation is a perfect means in radio-therapy due to its special depth dose distribution and high relative biological effects. The biological effects of heavy ion irradiation are determined by some major physical parameters, and vary along the tracks of heavy ions. Therefore, it is very significant for the tumor radio-therapy to investigate the biological effects along whole range of heavy ion radiation. In the present study, Caenorhabditis elegans, a model in vivo, was irradiated by carbon ion beams from HCRFL-CSRe, The level of germ cell apoptosis of worms was used as a checking endpoint for DNA damage, the effects of carbon irradiation located in the entrance, plateau and peak regions on the genomic instability of the irradiated worm and their progeny were detected. The results showed that the 10 and 20 Gy of carbon ion radiations led to the increased germ cell apoptosis in irradiated worms and these effects depend on the worm location along the range of carbon ions and the irradiation dosage. The results also suggested that heavy ion irradiation induced the up-regulated genomic instability in their progeny, and might be related to both the irradiation dose and the irradiated location.