
Ep≤63 GeV 质子入射铅、铋引起的中子产生双微分截面的模拟(英文)

Simulation of Pb(p,xn) and Bi(p,xn) Production Cross Sections in the Incident Proton Energy Range up to 3 GeV

  • 摘要: 加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS) 液态Pb-Bi 散裂靶的设计中,需要可靠的理论计算工具精确地预言几个GeV 能量范围的质子引起的散裂反应产生的各种粒子和核素。利用蒙特卡罗模拟软件包Geant4 计算研究了800 MeV至3 GeV 质子入射铅、铋材料引起的中子产生双微分截面。比较了Geant4 不同物理模型得到的模拟结果与现有的实验数据。其中,Geant4 的QGSP BERT和QGSP INCL ABLA 物理模型模拟结果很好地再现了实验数据。本工作证实了Geant4 蒙特卡罗模拟软件包适合用于能量高达3 GeV 的质子入射铅、铋引起的中子产生双微分截面的模拟计算。A detailed design of the liquid Pb-Bi spallation target of the Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) requires powerful and reliable computational tools that can accurately predict particles and nuclides production by the proton induced spallation reactions in the energy range of a few GeV. In this paper, the neutron production double-differential cross sections for Pb and Bi target materials at incident proton kinetic energies between 800 MeV and 3 GeV are studied by calculations with Monte Carlo simulation package Geant4. The simulated results of Geant4 with several physics models are compared with available experimental data. The simulated results generated by QGSP BERT and QGSP INCL ABLA physics models of Geant4 well reproduce the available experimental data. The present results validated that Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation package is suitable for simulations of neutron production double-differential cross sections of proton induced reaction on Pb and Bi targets in the incident energy range up to 3 GeV.


    Abstract: A detailed design of the liquid Pb-Bi spallation target of the Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) requires powerful and reliable computational tools that can accurately predict particles and nuclides production by the proton induced spallation reactions in the energy range of a few GeV. In this paper, the neutron production double-differential cross sections for Pb and Bi target materials at incident proton kinetic energies between 800 MeV and 3 GeV are studied by calculations with Monte Carlo simulation package Geant4. The simulated results of Geant4 with several physics models are compared with available experimental data. The simulated results generated by QGSP BERT and QGSP INCL ABLA physics models of Geant4 well reproduce the available experimental data. The present results validated that Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation package is suitable for simulations of neutron production double-differential cross sections of proton induced reaction on Pb and Bi targets in the incident energy range up to 3 GeV.


