Research on Property of MCP-PMT's Pulse Output Linearity
摘要: 采用双脉冲方法,研究了日本滨松光子学株式会社R3809U-52 型MCP-PMT 对于半宽为20ns和100 ns 两种脉冲宽度下的线性输出性能,阳极输出线性电流分别为150 mA 和25 mA;经过分析,提供了将该型MCP-PMT 用于百纳秒宽度范围内脉冲测量的线性电流动态范围递推公式,拓宽了其参数范围。The double pulse method was applied to study the pulse linear current property of R3809U-52 type MCP-PMT (micro-channel plate photo-multiplier tube) from amamatsu Photonics Co.Ltd. When the FWHM of pulse are 20 and 100 ns, the pulse linear currents are 150 and 25 mA, respectively. According to the experiments results, we deduced the functions of pluses' FWHM lower than 100 ns with linear current, which extends the range of parameters available.Abstract: The double pulse method was applied to study the pulse linear current property of R3809U-52 type MCP-PMT (micro-channel plate photo-multiplier tube) from amamatsu Photonics Co.Ltd. When the FWHM of pulse are 20 and 100 ns, the pulse linear currents are 150 and 25 mA, respectively. According to the experiments results, we deduced the functions of pluses' FWHM lower than 100 ns with linear current, which extends the range of parameters available.