Geant4 模拟在特洛伊木马方法中的应用
Application of Geant4 Simulation in Trojan-Horse Method
摘要: 由于低能带电粒子核反应截面直接测量遇到的库仑位垒和电子屏蔽势的困难,基于准自由反应机制的特洛伊木马方法得到特别关注。利用Geant4 模拟的结果,与在中国原子能研究院串列加速器上通过三体反应9Be+2H->8Be+2H+n 对两体反应9Be+1H->8Be+2H 的反应截面做的间接测量实验数据进行了比较,这是Geant4 模拟在特洛伊木马方法中的首次应用。通过对模拟数据研究,提高了对实验数据的理解,也检验了模拟系统的可靠性,对今后的实验设计和改进提供了有益的意见。Due to the difficulties of the Coulomb barrier and electron screening potential in directly measuring the cross sections of nuclear reaction for low-energy charged particle, Trojan-horse method based onquasi-free reaction was paidspecialattention. For the first time the Geant4 simulation is used for the indirect measurement of Trojan-horse method in the indirect measurment of two-body reaction 9Be+1H->8Be+2H by three-body reaction 9Be+2H->8Be+2H+n in Tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy. The stability and reliability of the simulation system are examined by comparing the experimental data and simulated results, the simulation can provide useful comments for the design and improvements of future experiments.Abstract: Due to the difficulties of the Coulomb barrier and electron screening potential in directly measuring the cross sections of nuclear reaction for low-energy charged particle, Trojan-horse method based onquasi-free reaction was paidspecialattention. For the first time the Geant4 simulation is used for the indirect measurement of Trojan-horse method in the indirect measurment of two-body reaction 9Be+1H->8Be+2H by three-body reaction 9Be+2H->8Be+2H+n in Tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy. The stability and reliability of the simulation system are examined by comparing the experimental data and simulated results, the simulation can provide useful comments for the design and improvements of future experiments.