Introduction of American Laser Inertial Fusion Energy
摘要: 简要地介绍了美国激光惯性约束聚变能源( LIFE ) 的研究现状与发展前景。基于美国国家点火装置( NIF ) 的近期进展,美国利弗莫尔实验室提出了激光惯性约束聚变能源设想,并开始了分解研究。设想用新型二极管泵浦固体激光器产生1.4~2.0 MJ 的激光能量,靶丸聚变增益25~30,打靶频率10~15Hz,实现350~500 MW聚变功率,相当于聚变中子源强1.3×1020 ~1.8×1020 n/s。以此驱动次临界裂变包层,使能量再倍增4~10 倍,实现1 GW电功率的输出。采用创新设计的燃料元件,包层可达到90%以上的燃耗深度,形成一个安全、无碳、燃料资源丰富、核废料少、可持续发展的新型核能源系统。In this paper the present study situation and prospect of the American laser-based Inertial Confinement Fusion Energy ( LIFE ) are briefly introduced. It is based on recent progress of National Inertial Facility ( NIF ) and related research have begun. On the assumption of using laser energy of 1.4 to 2.0 MJ, the target fusion gain G=25~30, the repetition rate 10 to 15 Hz, the fusion power of 350 to 500 MW or neutron source power of 1.3×1020 to 1.8×1020 n/s could be achieved. For a sub-critical fission blanket driven by this fusion neutrons power, energy multiplication M of 4~10 and several GW of thermal power could be obtained. By novel design on fuel pins, burnup more than 90% would be achieved for heavy metals in the blanket. Inertial Confinement Fusion-fission energy is a promising concept, which characterized by inherent safety, richness in nuclear fuel resources, minimization of nuclear waste, non-CO2 emitting ,and it is a sustainable energy source.Abstract: In this paper the present study situation and prospect of the American laser-based Inertial Confinement Fusion Energy ( LIFE ) are briefly introduced. It is based on recent progress of National Inertial Facility ( NIF ) and related research have begun. On the assumption of using laser energy of 1.4 to 2.0 MJ, the target fusion gain G=25∼30, the repetition rate 10 to 15 Hz, the fusion power of 350 to 500 MW or neutron source power of 1.3×1020 to 1.8×1020
n/s could be achieved. For a sub-critical fission blanket driven by this fusion neutrons power, energy multiplication M of 4∼10 and several GW of thermal power could be obtained. By novel design on fuel pins, burnup more than 90% would be achieved for heavy metals in the blanket. Inertial Confinement Fusion-fission energy is a promising concept, which characterized by inherent safety, richness in nuclear fuel resources, minimization of nuclear waste, non-CO2 emitting ,and it is a sustainable energy source.