Inhibitory Effect of 12C6+ Ion and X-ray on Angiogenesis in HMEC-1
摘要: 研究了X 射线和重离子照射对人微血管内皮细胞的增殖、迁移、管样结构形成及基质金属蛋白酶表达的影响。Transwell 迁移实验结果显示,照射24 h 后,非毒性照射剂量照射能抑制HMEC-1 细胞的迁移,且重离子照射抑制内皮细胞迁移能力较X 射线的强。基质胶实验显示,重离子照射可显著抑制自发性管样结构的形成,但X 射线照射的抑制作用不明显。同时,明胶酶谱法证实了重离子照射可明显抑制HMEC-1 细胞中基质金属蛋白酶( MMP-2 和MMP-9 ) 的表达,而X 射线照射对此类酶几乎无任何影响,显示了重离子较X射线的肿瘤放疗优势所在。The study aims to explore the effect of 12C6+ ion and X-ray on proliferation, migration, tube formation and MMPS of human microvascular endothelial cells ( HMEC-1 ). Transwell migration experiment showed that the radiation could inhibit the migration of HMEC-1 in sub-lethal dose 24 h after irradiation. Furthermore, the inhibition ability of 12C6+ ion was stronger than that of X-ray. Matrigel experiment indicated that 12C6+ ion suppressed the tube formation of HMEC-1 spontaneously. However, the inhibitory effect of X-ray had no significance. Meanwhile, Gelatin Zymography showed the expression of MMP-2 was inhibited obviously by 12C6+ ion, while X-ray had little effect on the expression of MMP-2. In conclusion, 12C6+ ion is superior to X-ray in radiotherapy of tumor.Abstract: The study aims to explore the effect of 12C6+ ion and X-ray on proliferation, migration, tube formation and MMPS of human microvascular endothelial cells ( HMEC-1 ). Transwell migration experiment showed that the radiation could inhibit the migration of HMEC-1 in sub-lethal dose 24 h after irradiation. Furthermore, the inhibition ability of 12C6+ ion was stronger than that of X-ray. Matrigel experiment indicated that 12C6+ ion suppressed the tube formation of HMEC-1 spontaneously. However, the inhibitory effect of X-ray had no significance. Meanwhile, Gelatin Zymography showed the expression of MMP-2 was inhibited obviously by 12C6+ ion, while X-ray had little effect on the expression of MMP-2. In conclusion, 12C6+ ion is superior to X-ray in adiotherapy of tumor.