

PIXE/RBS Studies on Ancient Pottery from Jinsha Ruins Site of Chengdu

  • 摘要: 成都金沙遗址的年代覆盖了商代晚期至西周时期(公元前1200年—公元前650年), 一般被认为是三星堆文化的延续。初步建立了质子激发X射线发射(PIXE)和卢瑟福背散射(RBS)实验装置, 并采用PIXE和RBS方法研究了从金沙遗址出土的部分陶片的元素组成。通过因子分析, 观察到来自不同地层的陶片的元素组成存在一定的差异, 这可能意味着制作陶器的陶土在不同时期取自不同的地点。也观察到来自不同发掘坑的陶片的元素组成没有明显的聚类现象, 这可能意味着制作不同使用用途的陶器所用的陶土是没有区别的。Jinsha Ruins Site, Chengdu, China, spanned the age from late Shang Dynasty to Western Zhou Dynasty (B.C.1200—B.C.650), was generally considered as the inheritance of Sanxingdui Culture. This paper focuses on the studies of the pottery unearthed from Jinsha. PIXE and RBS experimental setup was preliminarily established and these techniques were employed to find the elemental composition of those collected shards. From the results of factor analysis, the differences can be seen among pottery shards from different stratums, which may suggest that the clay gathered from different sites was used in different periods. The authors also found that there was no obvious assemblage phenomenon in the factor analysis among the pottery shards from different pits, this may be the evidence for “no special clay for special use”.


    Abstract: Jinsha Ruins Site, Chengdu, China, spanned the age from late Shang Dynasty to Western Zhou Dynasty (B.C.1200—B.C.650), was generally considered as the inheritance of Sanxingdui Culture. This paper focuses on the studies of the pottery unearthed from Jinsha. PIXE and RBS experimental setup was preliminarily established and these techniques were employed to find the elemental composition of those collected shards. From the results of factor analysis, the differences can be seen among pottery shards from different stratums, which may suggest that the clay gathered from different sites was used in different periods. The authors also found that there was no obvious assemblage phenomenon in the factor analysis among the pottery shards from different pits, this may be the evidence for “no special clay for special use”.


